delegate void UpdateDelegate();
public event UpdateDelegate UpdateHandler;
public void Attach( UpdateDelegate ud )
UpdateHandler += ud;
s.Attach(new UpdateDelegate(o1.Update));
s.Attach(new UpdateDelegate(o2.Update));
s.Attach(new UpdateDelegate(o3.Show));
public void Notify()
if(UpdateHandler != null) UpdateHandler();
只要UpdateHandler != null(表示有訂閱者),就可以觸發事件(UpdateHandler()),所有的訂閱者便會接到通知。
// Observer pattern -- Real World example
using System;
using System.Collections;
// "Subject"
abstract class Stock
// FIElds
protected string symbol;
protected double price;
private ArrayList investors = new ArrayList();
// Constructor
public Stock( string symbol, double price )
this.symbol = symbol;
this.price = price;
// Methods
public void Attach( Investor investor )
investors.Add( investor );
public void Detach( Investor investor )
investors.Remove( investor );
public void Notify()
foreach( Investor i in investors )
i.Update( this );
// PropertIEs
public double Price
get{ return price; }
price = value;
public string Symbol
get{ return symbol; }
set{ symbol = value; }
// "ConcreteSubject"
class IBM : Stock
// Constructor
public IBM( string symbol, double price )
: base( symbol, price ) {}
// "Observer"
interface IInvestor
// Methods
void Update( Stock stock );
// "ConcreteObserver"
class Investor : IInvestor
// FIElds
private string name;
private string observerState;
private Stock stock;
// Constructors
public Investor( string name )
this.name = name;
// Methods
public void Update( Stock stock )
Console.WriteLine( "NotifIEd investor {0} of {1}'s change to {2:C}",
name, stock.Symbol, stock.Price );
// PropertIEs
public Stock Stock
get{ return stock; }
set{ stock = value; }
/**//// <summary>
/// ObserverApp test
/// </summary>
public class ObserverApp
public static void Main( string[] args )
// Create investors
Investor s = new Investor( "Sorros" );
Investor b = new Investor( "Berkshire" );
// Create IBM stock and attach investors
IBM ibm = new IBM( "IBM", 120.00 );
ibm.Attach( s );
ibm.Attach( b );
// Change price, which notifIEs investors
ibm.Price = 120.10;
ibm.Price = 121.00;
ibm.Price = 120.50;
ibm.Price = 120.75;