數據層包括處理MS Access數據庫的細節。所有這些細節都是透明的,不會影響到商業邏輯層。數據訪問層有個指向商業邏輯層的引用BOCustomer cus。為了應用方便並且支持其他數據庫。
using System;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Data;
namespace _3tIErarchitecture
/// Summary description for DACustomer.
/// </SUMMARY>
public class DACustomer
private OleDbConnection cnn;
//change connection string as per the
//folder you unzip the files
private const string CnnStr =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data " +
"Source= D:\Rahman_Backup\Programming\" +
//local variables
private String strTable="";
private String strFIElds="";
private String strValues="";
private String insertStr="";
//this needs to be changed based on customer
//table fIElds' Name of the database!
private const String thisTable = "tblCustomer";
private const String cus_ID = "CUS_ID";
private const String cus_LName = "CUS_L_NAME";
private const String cus_FName = "CUS_F_NAME";
private const String cus_Tel = "CUS_TEL";
private const String cus_Address = "CUS_ADDRESS";
public DACustomer()
public DACustomer(BOCustomer cus)
// A reference of the business object class
//standard dataset function that adds a new customer
public void Add(BOCustomer cus)
String str = BuildAddString(cus);
//Open command option - cnn parameter is imporant
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(str,cnn);
//execute connection
// close connection
//standard dataset function that updates
//details of a customer based on ID
public void Update(BOCustomer cus)
String selectStr = "UPDATE " + thisTable +
" set " + cus_LName + " = '" + cus.LName + "'" +
", " + cus_FName + " = '" + cus.FName + "'" +
", " + cus_Address + " = '" + cus.Address + "'" +
", " + cus_Tel + " = '" + cus.Tel + "'" +
" where cus_ID = '" + cus.cusID + "'";
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(selectStr,cnn);
//standard dataset function that finds and
//return the detail of a customer in a dataset
public DataSet Find(String argStr)
DataSet ds=null;
String selectStr = "select * from " + thisTable +
" where cus_ID = '" + argStr + "'";
OleDbDataAdapter da =
new OleDbDataAdapter(selectStr,cnn);
ds = new DataSet();
catch(Exception e)
String Str = e.Message;
return ds;
private void OpenCnn()
// initialise connection
String cnnStr = CnnStr;
cnn = new OleDbConnection(cnnStr);
// open connection
private void CloseCnn()
// 5- step five
// just a supporting function that builds
// and return the insert string for dataset.
private String BuildAddString(BOCustomer cus)
// these are the constants as
// set in the top of this module.
strTable="Insert into " + thisTable;
strFIElds=" (" + cus_ID +
"," + cus_LName +
"," + cus_FName +
"," + cus_Address +
"," + cus_Tel + ")";
//these are the attributes of the
//customer business object.
strValues= " Values ( '" + cus.cusID +
"' , '" + cus.LName +
"' , '" + cus.FName +
"' , '" + cus.Address +
"' , '" + cus.Tel + "' )";
insertStr = strTable + strFIElds + strValues;
return insertStr;