using System;
namespace ReflectionTest
public class WriteTest
//public method with parametors
public void WriteString(string s, int i)
Console.WriteLine("WriteString:" + s + i.ToString());
//static method with only one parametor
public static void StaticWriteString(string s)
Console.WriteLine("StaticWriteString:" + s);
//static method with no parametor
public static void NoneParaWriteString()
使用命令行編譯csc /t:library ReflectTest.cs命令進行編譯,生成ReflectTest.dll庫文件。
using System;
using System.Reflection;
class TestApp
public static void Main()
Assembly ass;
Type type;
Object obj;
//Used to test the static method
Object any = new Object();
//Load the dll
//Must indicates the whole path of dll
ass = Assembly.LoadFile(@"D:\Source Code\00.C#
//Must be Namespace with class name
type = ass.GetType("ReflectionTest.WriteTest");
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("WriteString");
string test = "test";
int i = 1;
Object[] parametors = new Object[]{test,i};
//Since the WriteTest Class is not Static you should Create the instance of this class
obj = ass.CreateInstance("ReflectionTest.WriteTest");
obj,//Instance object of the class need to be reflect
parametors);//Parametors of indicated method
//method.Invoke(any, parametors);//RuntimeError: class reference is wrong
method = type.GetMethod("StaticWriteString");
//The first parametor will be ignored
method.Invoke(null, new string[] { "test"});
method.Invoke(obj, new string[] { "test"});//indicates the instance will equals above line
method.Invoke(any, new string[] { "test"});//Even the class reference is wrong
method = type.GetMethod("NoneParaWriteString");
//Sine the method NoneParaWriteString()
has no parametors so do not indicate any parametors
method.Invoke(null, null);