Serialization: 1. use attribute // "[serializable]" 2. Formatter // "BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();" 3.[Noserialized]
//example // if the data can generate based some data, then no need to serialize them. // overload the OnSerialization() method to do the caculate work [Serializable] class Products : IDeserializationCallback { private long statNumber = 1; private long endNumber; [NonSerialized] private long[] theProducts; ... public static void Main() { Products p = new Products(1, 10); p.Serialize(); Products p2 = Products.DeSerialize(); p2.DisplayProducts(); } public void Serialize() { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("DoProducts1.out", FileMode.Create); binaryFormatter.Serialize(fileStream, this); fileStream.Close(); } public static Products DeSerialize() { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("DoProduct1.out", FileMode.Open); BinaryFormatter binaryFormattter = new BinaryFormatter(); Products p = (Products) binaryFormatter.DeSerialize(fileStream); fileStream.Close(); return p; }
pubic virtual void OnDeserialization(object sender) { //Caculate the none serialized data based on the serialized data }
Activex Control: 1. Write in VB or VC 2. Register Activex Control in DOS command Windows regsvr32 a.ocx 3. add control to c# project // Tool->Customize ToolBox->COM Components->select your component 4. call // label1.Text = axCalculator.Add(ref left, ref right).ToString;