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Reading/Writing text files using C#

Reading and writing text files may sometimes be quite handy in programming. You might want to maintain your own text-style configuration files. Or edit autoexec.bat from your program. In .Net we have an abstract class called a Stream class which provides methods to read and write from a store. The FileStream class is a Stream class derived class which wraps the streaming functionality around a file. In this article I'll demonstrate how you can use this class along with several reader and writer classes to read from a file, write to a file, create a file and even retrIEve information about a file. I have provided a commented program below.

The Program
using System;
using System.IO;
public class nishfiles
    public static void Main(String[] args)
            //Create a file 'nish.txt' in the current directory
        FileStream fs = new FileStream("nish.txt" , FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);         
        //Now let's put some text into the file using the StreamWriter
        StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);         
        sw.WriteLine("Hey now! Hey now!\r\nIko, Iko, unday");
        sw.WriteLine("Jockamo feeno ai nan ay?\r\nJockamo fee nan ay?");
        //We can read the file now using StreamReader        
        StreamReader sr= new StreamReader(fs);
        sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        string s1;
        Console.WriteLine("about to read file using StreamReader.ReadLine()");
        while((s1 = sr.ReadLine())!=null)
        //We can read the file now using BinaryReader        
        BinaryReader br= new BinaryReader (fs);
        br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        Byte b1;
        Console.WriteLine("about to read file using BinaryReader.ReadByte()");
            if(b1!=13 && b1!=10)

        //Use the File class to get some info on our file        
        Console.WriteLine("Print some info on our file using the File class");
        File f=new File("nish.txt");
        Console.WriteLine("File name          : {0}",f.Name);
        Console.WriteLine("File name in full  : {0}",f.FullName);
        Console.WriteLine("File size in bytes : {0}",f.Length);
        Console.WriteLine("File creation time : {0}",f.CreationTime);

The Output and explanation
This was the output I got on my Machine.  

about to read file using StreamReader.ReadLine()
Hey now! Hey now!
Iko, Iko, unday
Jockamo feeno ai nan ay?
Jockamo fee nan ay?

about to read file using BinaryReader.ReadByte()
H.e.y. .n.o.w.!. .H.e.y. .n.o.w.!.
I.k.o.,. .I.k.o.,. .u.n.d.a.y.
J.o.c.k.a.m.o. .f.e.e.n.o. .a.i. .n.a.n. .a.y.?.
J.o.c.k.a.m.o. .f.e.e. .n.a.n. .a.y.?.

Print some info on our file using the File class
File name          : nish.txt
File name in full  : F:\c#\files\nish.txt
File size in bytes : 83
File creation time : 10/13/01 2:18 PM

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