234. Palindrome Linked List,palindromelinkedGiven a singly linked list, determin
61. Rotate List,61rotatelistGiven a list, rotate the list to the right by k
28. Implement strStr(),28implementstrstrImplement strStr(). Returns the index of
237. Delete Node in a Linked List,nodelinkedWrite a function to delete a node (e
[轉]C語言切割多層字符串(strtok_r strtok使用方法),strtok_rstrtok[轉]C語言切割多層字符串(strtok_r strtok使用
9. Palindrome Number,palindromenumberDetermine whether an integer is a palindrom
160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists,intersectionlinkedWrite a program to find
203. Remove Linked List Elements,linkedelementsRemove all elements from a linked
自制編程語言crowbar(v0.1)構建解析器時分配內存,crowbarv0.1crowbar中第一次申請內存是在生成解析器的時候: /* interfac
172. Factorial Trailing Zeroes,factorialtrailingGiven an integer n, return
204. Count Primes,204countprimesDescription: Count the number of prime numbers l
C/C++ memmove與memcpy的區別及實現,memmovememcpy1.與字符串函數strcpy區別: memcpy與memmove都是對內存進行