PDFlib稱安裝在Windows和Mac操作系統中的(存在於或被拷入相應系統字體目錄的)TrueType, OpenType 和PostScript字體為宿主字體(Host Font)。PDFlib可直接引用字體名進行調用,但必須與文件名完全相同(嚴格區分大小寫)。例如,調用安裝在Windows系統中的字體:
int Font_CS = 0;
Font_CS = PDF_load_font(p, "SimHei", 0, "unicode", "");
需要注意的是,字體名可能與字體文件名不同,甚至相同的字體在不同語言的操作系統下字體名稱會有所不同。在 Windows 環境下查看字體名,可雙擊該字體文件,窗口打開後的第一行字除結尾的 TrueType, OpenType 外為字體名。例如,調用安裝在 Windows 系統中的字體: C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\SimHei.ttf ,雙擊該文件後,窗口的第一行為“黑體 TrueType” 。則該文件的字體名為“黑體”。在 PDFlib 中若要調用多字節的文件名,須以 BOM+ UTF8 的形式。 “黑體”的 BOM+ UTF8 的形式為“\xEF\xBB\xBF\xE9\xBB\x91\xE4\xBD\x93”。
因此對於中文黑體, 在中文WINDOWS下,則我們使用
PDF_load_font(p, "\xEF\xBB\xBF\xE9\xBB\x91\xE4\xBD\x93", 0, "unicode", "");
PDF_load_font(p, "SimHei", 0, "unicode", "");
(小技巧: 我們可以使用Windows2000/XP自帶的notepad獲得UTF8編碼,具體方法舉例:在notepad中輸入"黑體"並保存, 保存時在編碼下拉框中選擇UTF-8, 然後用UltraEdit,WinHex,VC等可以進行二進制編輯的工具打開該文件即可取得帶BOM的UTF8字符串)
除安裝在Windows系統中的字體之外,PDFlib還可以調用其他用戶字體。但在調用之時,需要給出路徑名。如我想用C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Resource\CIDFont\AdobeSongStd-Light.otf這個字體:
Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p,
"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Acrobat 7.0\\Resource\\CIDFont\\ AdobeSongStd-Light",
0, "unicode", "");
但這裡有個例外,那就是.ttc(TrueType Collection)字體。.ttc是集合字體文件,每個文件中含有多種字體。所以用戶不能用文件名調用字體,而是要用真正的字體名。比方說,我們知道C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\MSGOTHIC.TTC包含三種字體依次名為MS Gothic,MS PGothic,和MS UI Gothic。我們可以用以它們相應的字體名調用:
int Font_E = 0;
Font_E= PDF_load_font(p, "MS Gothic", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Use MS Gothic */
PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20);
PDF_show_xy(p, "MS Gothic font:" , 50, 800);
Font_E= PDF_load_font(p, "MS PGothic", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Use MS PGothic */
Font_E= PDF_load_font(p, "MS UI Gothic", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Use MS UI Gothic */
可是我們經常並不清楚.ttc裡包含哪些字體。在這種情況PDFlib提供了另一種調用方式—索引(Index)。用此方式,首先須給字體文件名一個別名,然後在別名後加冒號再加數字(0表示文件中第一種字體,1 表示第二種,依次類推。)
int Font_E = 0;
/* Give “C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\MSGOTHIC.TTC an alias “gothic” */
PDF_set_parameter(p, "FontOutline", "gothic=C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts\\MSGOTHIC.TTC");
Font_E= PDF_load_font(p, "gothic:0", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Use MS Gothic */
Font_E= PDF_load_font(p, "gothic:1", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Use MS PGothic */
Font_E= PDF_load_font(p, "gothic:2", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Use MS UI Gothic */
下面是一個相關的例子--C 源程序
/*******************************************************************/ /* This example demostrates the usage of host font and other fonts /* based on Chinese Simplifed Windows. /*******************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "pdflib.h" int main(void) { PDF *p = NULL; int i = 0, j = 0, Left = 50, Top = 800; int Font_E = 0, Font_CS = 0; char fontfile[1024]; char buf[1024]; char TextUnicode[] = "\x80\x7B\x53\x4F\x2D\x4E\x87\x65"; /* create a new PDFlib object */ if ((p = PDF_new()) == (PDF *) 0) { printf("Couldn't create PDFlib object (out of memory)!\n"); return(2); } PDF_TRY(p) { if (PDF_begin_document(p, "pdflib_cs2.pdf", 0, "") == -1) { printf("Error: %s\n", PDF_get_errmsg(p)); return(2); } PDF_set_info(p, "Creator", "pdflib_cs2.c"); PDF_set_info(p, "Author", "[email protected]"); PDF_set_info(p, "Title", "Output Chinese Simplify with host font and others"); /* Start a new page. */ PDF_begin_page_ext(p, a4_width, a4_height, ""); Font_E = PDF_load_font(p, "Helvetica-Bold", 0, "winansi", ""); /* Using host font -- C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\SimHei.ttf. PDFlib is using BOM UTF8 string to calling multi-byte character string SimHei.ttf font name is "黑體", its corresponding BOM UTF8 string is "\xEF\xBB\xBF\xE9\xBB\x91\xE4\xBD\x93" */ Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "\xEF\xBB\xBF\xE9\xBB\x91\xE4\xBD\x93", 0, "unicode", ""); /* Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "SimHei", 0, "unicode", ""); */ PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20); PDF_show_xy(p, "SimHei font:" , Left, Top); PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24); Top-=30; PDF_show_xy(p, TextUnicode , Left, Top); /* Using other disk-based font file that is not installed in system directory -- C:\PSFONTS\CS\gkai00mp.ttf*/ Top-=50; strcpy(fontfile, "C:\\PSFONTS\\CS\\gkai00mp.ttf"); sprintf(buf, "kai=%s", fontfile); /* Defines kai as alias for ..\gkai00mp.ttf */ PDF_set_parameter(p, "FontOutline", buf); Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "kai", 0, "unicode", ""); PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20); PDF_show_xy(p, "AR PL KaitiM GB font:" , Left, Top); PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24); Top-=30; PDF_show_xy(p, TextUnicode , Left, Top); /* Using TrueType collection font with index -- C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\simsun.ttc*/ Top-=50; strcpy(fontfile, "C:\\WINDOWS\\Fonts\\simsun.ttc"); sprintf(buf, "simsun=%s", fontfile); /* Defines AdobeSongStd as alias for ..\AdobeSongStd-Light.otf This only need to claim once will be sufficient to configure all fonts in simsun.ttc*/ PDF_set_parameter(p, "FontOutline", buf); /* TTC files contain multiple separate fonts. Address 1st font by appending a colon character and 0 after alias simsun */ Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "simsun:0", 0, "unicode", ""); PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20); PDF_show_xy(p, "simsun:0 font:", Left, Top); PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24); Top-=30; PDF_show_xy2(p, TextUnicode, 8, Left, Top); /*Address 2nd font by appending a colon character and 1 after alias simsun */ Top-=50; Font_CS= PDF_load_font(p, "simsun:1", 0, "unicode", ""); PDF_setfont(p, Font_E, 20); PDF_show_xy(p, "simsun:1 font:", Left, Top); PDF_setfont(p, Font_CS, 24); Top-=30; PDF_show_xy2(p, TextUnicode, 8, Left, Top); /* End of page. */ PDF_end_page_ext(p, ""); PDF_end_document(p, ""); } PDF_CATCH(p) { printf("PDFlib exception occurred in pdflib_cs2 sample:\n"); printf("[%d] %s: %s\n", PDF_get_errnum(p), PDF_get_apiname(p), PDF_get_errmsg(p)); PDF_delete(p); return(2); } PDF_delete(p); return 0; }