#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <toolsapi.hpp>
#include <inifiles.hpp>
#pragma package(smart_init)
// Package source.
namespace Nodebug // Here the namespace should be same with this file name.
bool NeedLocalize = true;
bool NeedWriteToIni = false;
TIniFile *ini, *chsini;
AnsiString Section, Ident, Value;
//===[ Do something on MenuItems. ]======================================
void __fastcall DoMenuItem(TMenuItem* MenuItem)
//Display all MenuItems.
if(MenuItem->Visible==false) MenuItem->Visible = true;
if ( NeedWriteToIni && !MenuItem->Name.IsEmpty())
Ident = MenuItem->Name;
Value = MenuItem->Caption;
ini->WriteString ( Section, Ident, Value );
//===[ Do something on MenuItems. ]======================================
//===[ Enumerate all MenuItem's SubItems. ]==============================
void __fastcall EnumerateMenuItem(TMenuItem* MenuItem)
for ( int i=0; i<MenuItem->Count; i++ )
//===[ Enumerate all MenuItem's SubItems. ]==============================
void __fastcall LocalizeAppMenu()
_di_INTAServices IDE;
HRESULT hr = BorlandIDEServices->QueryInterface(__uuidof(INTAServices), (void **) &IDE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
//----------[AppBuilder macro start]--------------------------------------
#ifndef AppBuilder
#define AppBuilder IDE->MainMenu->Owner
//----------[AppBuilder macro end ]--------------------------------------
TStringList* SectionList = new TStringList;
TStringList* IdentList = new TStringList;
AnsiString Value , Default("NULL");
for (int i = 0; i < SectionList->Count; i++)
chsini->ReadSection( SectionList->Strings[i], IdentList);
for (int x = 0; x < IdentList->Count; x++)
Value = chsini->ReadString( SectionList->Strings[i],
if( Default != Value )
TMenuItem* MI = dynamic_cast<TMenuItem*>
if(MI != NULL) MI->Caption = Value;
#undef AppBuilder
delete IdentList;
delete SectionList;
//===[ BPL's 'Main' function or Entry Function. ]========================
void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
ini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt( Application->ExeName, ".INI" ));
chsini = new TIniFile(ChangeFileExt( Application->ExeName, "CHS.INI" ));
if( NeedLocalize ) LocalizeAppMenu();
_di_INTAServices IDE;
HRESULT hr = BorlandIDEServices->QueryInterface(__uuidof(INTAServices), (void **) &IDE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
//----------[AppBuilder macro start]--------------------------------------
#ifndef AppBuilder
#define AppBuilder IDE->MainMenu->Owner
//----------[AppBuilder macro end ]--------------------------------------
for ( int i = 0; i<AppBuilder->ComponentCount; i++ ) // ComponentCount = 409
if ( AppBuilder->Components[i]->ClassNameIs("TMainMenu") ) // MainMenu1
//----------[AppMainMenu macro start]--------------------------------------
#ifndef AppMainMenu
#define AppMainMenu dynamic_cast<TMainMenu*>( AppBuilder->Components[i])
//----------[AppMainMenu macro end ]--------------------------------------
for ( int x = 0; x < AppMainMenu->Items->Count; x++ ) //count 11
if(NeedWriteToIni) Section = AppMainMenu->Items->Items[x]->Name;
}//for finished.
#undef AppMainMenu
}//if finished.
}//for finished
#undef AppBuilder
else ShowMessage("Error:I Can't Access IDE.\nYou'd better unload this module.");
delete ini;
delete chsini;
//===[ BPL's 'Main' function or Entry Function. ]========================
}//namespace finished.
int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void*)
return 1;