public class MySyncProvider : KnowledgeSyncProvider, IChangeDataRetriever, INotifyingChangeApplierTarget
// The name of the metadata store custom column that is used to save a timestamp of last change on an
// item in the metadata store so we can do change detection.
const string TIMESTAMP_COLUMNNAME = "timestamp";
// This is our sample in memory data store which for simplicty, stores sets of string name-ProcessChangeBatch pairs
// referenced by identifiers of the type 'Guid'
MySimpleDataStore _store;
// Use the Sync Framework's optional metadata store to track version information
SqlMetadataStore _metadataStore = null;//表示通過使用輕型數據庫存儲元數據來實現的元數據存儲區。
ReplicaMetadata _metadata = null;//提供對元數據存儲區中的副本元數據和項元數據的訪問。ReplicaMetadata 還對刪除檢測和用於實現同步提供程序方法的幫助器提供服務
private string _name = null;
private string _folderPath = null;
private string _replicaMetadataFile = null;
private string _replicaIdFile = null;
// The provider's unique identifier
SyncId _replicaId = null;
SyncIdFormatGroup _idFormats = null;
SyncSessionContext _currentSessionContext = null;
// Construct a data store by providing a name for the endpoint (replica) and
// a file to which we'll persist the sync metadata (file)
public MySyncProvider(string folderPath, string name)
_name = name;
_folderPath = folderPath;
_replicaMetadataFile = _folderPath.ToString() + "\\" + _name.ToString() + ".Metadata";
_replicaIdFile = _folderPath.ToString() + "\\" + _name.ToString() + ".Replicaid";
// Set ItemIdFormat and ReplicaIdFormat for using Guid ids.
_idFormats = new SyncIdFormatGroup();
_idFormats.ItemIdFormat.IsVariableLength = false;
_idFormats.ItemIdFormat.Length = 16;
_idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.IsVariableLength = false;
_idFormats.ReplicaIdFormat.Length = 16;
public SyncId ReplicaId
if (_replicaId == null)
_replicaId = GetReplicaIdFromFile( _replicaIdFile);
return _replicaId;
#region Metadata Store Related Methods
private void InitializeMetadataStore()
// Values for adding a custom field to the metadata store
List<FieldSchema> fields = new List<FieldSchema>();
SyncId id = ReplicaId;
// Create or open the metadata store, initializing it with the id formats we'll use to reference our items and endpoints
if (!File.Exists(_replicaMetadataFile))
fields.Add(new FieldSchema(TIMESTAMP_COLUMNNAME, typeof(System.UInt64)));
_metadataStore = SqlMetadataStore.CreateStore(_replicaMetadataFile);
_metadata = _metadataStore.InitializeReplicaMetadata(_idFormats,//提供程序的 ID 格式架構
_replicaId, //與此元數據相關聯的副本 ID
fields, //每個元數據項的自定義元數據字段的架構信息集合。如果不存在自定義元數據字段,則可為 null 引用
null/*No indexes to create*/);//可用於更有效地查找元數據存儲區中的項的索引架構列表。如果不存在自定義索引,則可以是 null 引用
_metadataStore = SqlMetadataStore.OpenStore(_replicaMetadataFile);//打開現有的元數據存儲區文件,並返回表示該文件的元數據存儲區對象
_metadata = _metadataStore.GetReplicaMetadata(_idFormats, _replicaId);//獲取用於訪問元數據存儲區中的副本元數據的副本元數據對象。
private void CloseMetadataStore()
_metadataStore = null;
//Update the metadata store with changes that have occured on the data store since the last time it was updated.
public void UpdateMetadataStoreWithLocalChanges()
SyncVersion newVersion = new SyncVersion(0, _metadata.GetNextTickCount());
foreach (Guid id in _store.Ids)
ItemData data = _store.Get(id);
ItemMetadata item = null;
//Look up an item's metadata by its ID
item = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(new SyncId(id));
if (null == item)
//New item, must have been created since that last time the metadata was updated.
//Create the item metadata required for sync (giving it a SyncID and a version, defined to be a DWORD and a ULONGLONG
//For creates, simply provide the relative replica ID (0) and the tick count for the provider (ever increasing)
item = _metadata.CreateItemMetadata(new SyncId(id), newVersion);
item.ChangeVersion = newVersion;
SaveItemMetadata(item, data.TimeStamp);
if (data.TimeStamp > item.GetUInt64Field(TIMESTAMP_COLUMNNAME)) // the item has changed since the last sync operation.
//Changed Item, this item has changed since the last time the metadata was updated.
//Assign a new version by simply stating "who" modified this item (0 = local/me) and "when" (tick count for the store)
item.ChangeVersion = newVersion;
SaveItemMetadata(item, data.TimeStamp);
//Unchanged item, nothing has changes so just mark it as live so that the metadata knows it has not been deleted.
_metadata.DeleteDetector.ReportLiveItemById(new SyncId(id));
//Now go back through the items that are no longer in the store and mark them as deleted in the metadata.
//This sets the item as a tombstone.
foreach (ItemMetadata item in _metadata.DeleteDetector.FindUnreportedItems())
SaveItemMetadata(item, 0); // set timestamp to 0 for tombstones
private void SaveItemMetadata(ItemMetadata item, ulong timeStamp)
item.SetCustomField(TIMESTAMP_COLUMNNAME, timeStamp);
private void SaveItemMetadata(ItemMetadata item)
// Method for cleaning up tombstones older than a certain TimeSpan
public void CleanupTombstones(TimeSpan timespan)
#endregion Metadata Store Related Methods
#region KnowledgeSyncProvider Overrides
//BeginSession is called at the beginning of each sync operation. Do initialization here. For example update
//metadata if it was not updated as the actual data was changed.
public override void BeginSession(SyncProviderPosition position, SyncSessionContext syncSessionContext)
_currentSessionContext = syncSessionContext;
//EndSession is called after the sync operation is completed. Cleanup happens here.
public override void EndSession(SyncSessionContext syncSessionContext)
//Simply ask the metadata store to compute my change batch for me, providing the batch size and the knowledge of the other endpoint!
//The engine is asking for the list of changes that the destination provider does not know about.
//SyncKnowledge: 表示副本所具有的有關自己項存儲區的知識。
//此類型的所有公共靜態(在 Visual Basic 中共享 )成員都是線程安全的。不保證任何實例成員的線程安全。
public override ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge, out object changeDataRetriever)
ChangeBatch batch = _metadata.GetChangeBatch(batchSize, destinationKnowledge);
changeDataRetriever = this; //this is where the transfer mechanism/protocol would go. For an in memory provider, this is sufficient
return batch;
//This is only called when the engine has detected that the destination is out of date due to Tombstone cleanup.
public override FullEnumerationChangeBatch GetFullEnumerationChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncId lowerEnumerationBound, SyncKnowledge knowledgeForDataRetrieval, out object changeDataRetriever)
FullEnumerationChangeBatch batch = _metadata.GetFullEnumerationChangeBatch(batchSize, lowerEnumerationBound, knowledgeForDataRetrieval);
changeDataRetriever = this; //this is where the transfer mechanism/protocol would go. For an in memory provider, this is sufficient
return batch;
public override void GetSyncBatchParameters(out uint batchSize, out SyncKnowledge knowledge)
batchSize = 10;
knowledge = _metadata.GetKnowledge();
public override void ProcessChangeBatch(ConflictResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy, ChangeBatch sourceChanges,
object changeDataRetriever, SyncCallbacks syncCallback, SyncSessionStatistics sessionStatistics)
IEnumerable<ItemChange> localChanges = _metadata.GetLocalVersions(sourceChanges);
//Create a changeapplier object to make change application easier (make the engine call me
//when it needs data and when I should save data)
NotifyingChangeApplier changeApplier = new NotifyingChangeApplier(_idFormats);
changeApplier.ApplyChanges(resolutionPolicy, sourceChanges, changeDataRetriever as IChangeDataRetriever, localChanges, _metadata.GetKnowledge(),
_metadata.GetForgottenKnowledge(), this, _currentSessionContext, syncCallback);
//If full enumeration is needed because this provider is out of date due to tombstone cleanup, then this method will be called by the engine.
public override void ProcessFullEnumerationChangeBatch(ConflictResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy, FullEnumerationChangeBatch sourceChanges, object changeDataRetriever, SyncCallbacks syncCallback, SyncSessionStatistics sessionStatistics)
//Get all my local change versions from the metadata store
IEnumerable<ItemChange> localChanges = _metadata.GetFullEnumerationLocalVersions(sourceChanges);
//Create a changeapplier object to make change application easier (make the engine call me
//when it needs data and when I should save data)
NotifyingChangeApplier changeApplier = new NotifyingChangeApplier(_idFormats);
changeApplier.ApplyFullEnumerationChanges(resolutionPolicy, sourceChanges, changeDataRetriever as IChangeDataRetriever, localChanges, _metadata.GetKnowledge(),
_metadata.GetForgottenKnowledge(), this, _currentSessionContext, syncCallback);
#endregion KnowledgeSyncProvider Overrides
#region INotifyingChangeApplierTarget Implementation
public IChangeDataRetriever GetDataRetriever()
return this;
//Simply up my tick count everytime I'm asked for it to ensure conflict resolution and detection work!
public ulong GetNextTickCount()
return _metadata.GetNextTickCount();
public void SaveChangeWithChangeUnits(ItemChange change, SaveChangeWithChangeUnitsContext context)
//Change units are not supported by this sample provider.
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void SaveConflict(ItemChange conflictingChange, object conflictingChangeData, SyncKnowledge conflictingChangeKnowledge)
//The resolution policy is set to DestinationWins so there is never a conflict to save.
throw new NotImplementedException();
//Save the item, taking the appropriate action for the 'change' and the data from the item (in 'context')
public void SaveItemChange(SaveChangeAction saveChangeAction, ItemChange change, SaveChangeContext context)
ulong timeStamp = 0;
ItemMetadata item = null;
ItemData data = null;
switch (saveChangeAction)
case SaveChangeAction.Create:
//Do duplicate detection here
item = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(change.ItemId);
if (null != item)
throw new Exception("SaveItemChange must not have Create action for existing items.");
item = _metadata.CreateItemMetadata(change.ItemId, change.CreationVersion);
item.ChangeVersion = change.ChangeVersion;
data = new ItemData( (ItemData)context.ChangeData);
//We are using the same id for both the local and global item id.
_store.CreateItem( data, change.ItemId.GetGuidId());
SaveItemMetadata(item, _store.Get(change.ItemId.GetGuidId()).TimeStamp);
case SaveChangeAction.UpdateVersionAndData:
case SaveChangeAction.UpdateVersionOnly:
item = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(change.ItemId);
if (null == item)
throw new Exception("Item Not Found in Store!?");
item.ChangeVersion = change.ChangeVersion;
if (saveChangeAction == SaveChangeAction.UpdateVersionOnly)
else //Also update the data and the timestamp.
data = new ItemData((ItemData)context.ChangeData);
timeStamp = _store.UpdateItem(item.GlobalId.GetGuidId(), data);
SaveItemMetadata(item, timeStamp);
case SaveChangeAction.DeleteAndStoreTombstone:
item = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(change.ItemId);
if (null == item)
item = _metadata.CreateItemMetadata(change.ItemId, change.CreationVersion);
//ChangeKind 表示對項所做的變更的類型。
// // Deleted 變更是一個刪除操作。
// // UnknownItem 要變更的項對於副本來說是未知的。
// // Update 變更是一個更新操作。
if (change.ChangeKind == ChangeKind.Deleted)
// This should never happen in Sync Framework V1.0
throw new Exception("Invalid ChangeType");
item.ChangeVersion = change.ChangeVersion;
SaveItemMetadata(item, 0); // set timestamp to 0 for tombstones
//Merge the changes! (Take the data from the local item + the remote item),noting to update the tick count to propagate the resolution!
case SaveChangeAction.UpdateVersionAndMergeData:
item = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(change.ItemId);
if (null == item)
throw new Exception("Item Not Found in Store!?");
if (item.IsDeleted != true)
//Note - you must update the change version to propagate the resolution!
// //SyncVersion 表示項或變更單位的版本。
// // ReplicaKey 獲取與該版本相關聯的副本鍵。
// // TickCount 獲取與該版本相關聯的滴答計數。
// // UnknownVersion 返回一個包含副本鍵並且滴答計數設置為 0 的 SyncVersion 對象。
item.ChangeVersion = new SyncVersion(0, _metadata.GetNextTickCount());
//Combine the conflicting data
ItemData mergedData = (_store.Get(item.GlobalId.GetGuidId())).Merge( (ItemData)context.ChangeData);
timeStamp = _store.UpdateItem(item.GlobalId.GetGuidId(), mergedData);
SaveItemMetadata(item, timeStamp);
case SaveChangeAction.DeleteAndRemoveTombstone:
item = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(change.ItemId);
if (item != null)
List<SyncId> ids = new List<SyncId>();
//Simply store the knowlege given to us
// //ForgottenKnowledge: 表示由於清除邏輯刪除而遺忘的知識。
public void StoreKnowledgeForScope(SyncKnowledge knowledge, ForgottenKnowledge forgottenKnowledge)
public bool TryGetDestinationVersion(ItemChange sourceChange, out ItemChange destinationVersion)
ItemMetadata metadata = _metadata.FindItemMetadataById(sourceChange.ItemId);
if (metadata == null)
destinationVersion = null;
return false;
destinationVersion = new ItemChange(_idFormats, _replicaId, sourceChange.ItemId,
metadata.IsDeleted ? ChangeKind.Deleted : ChangeKind.Update,
metadata.CreationVersion, metadata.ChangeVersion);
return true;
#endregion INotifyingChangeApplierTarget Implementation
#region IChangeDataRetriever Implementation
public override SyncIdFormatGroup IdFormats
get { return _idFormats; }
//This is where we load data to provide to the other endpoint
public object LoadChangeData(LoadChangeContext loadChangeContext)
//return a copy of the data.
return new ItemData(_store.Get(loadChangeContext.ItemChange.ItemId.GetGuidId()));
#endregion IChangeDataRetriever Implementation
#region ReplicaId Initialization Methods
private static SyncId GetReplicaIdFromFile(string replicaIdFile)
SyncId replicaId;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(replicaIdFile))
replicaId = ReadReplicaIdFromFile(replicaIdFile);
// Create the replica id and save it.
replicaId = new SyncId(Guid.NewGuid());
WriteReplicaIdToFile(replicaIdFile, replicaId);
return replicaId;
private static void WriteReplicaIdToFile(string file, SyncId replicaId)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create);
// Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it to serialize the data to the stream.
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(fs, replicaId);
catch (SerializationException e)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize replica id to file. Reason: " + e.Message);
private static SyncId ReadReplicaIdFromFile(string file)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open);
SyncId replicaId;
// Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it to serialize the data to the stream.
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
replicaId = (SyncId)formatter.Deserialize(fs);
catch (SerializationException e)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to deserialize replica id from file. Reason: " + e.Message);
return replicaId;
#endregion ReplicaId Initialization Methods
#region Methods necessary for Remote Change Application
public void BeginSession()
_store = MySimpleDataStore.ReadStoreFromFile(_folderPath, _name);
//Make sure the metadata store is updated to reflect the state of the data before each sync operation.
public void EndSession()
_store.WriteStoreToFile(_folderPath, _name);
//Change application!
public byte[] ProcessRemoteChangeBatch(
ConflictResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy,
ChangeBatch sourceChanges,
CachedChangeDataRetriever changeDataRetriever,
byte[] changeApplierInfo)
//Get all my local change versions from the metadata store
IEnumerable<ItemChange> localChanges = _metadata.GetLocalVersions(sourceChanges);
////NotifyingChangeApplier 表示一個變更應用方,它檢查源提供程序中的一組變更,檢測與目標副本中的項的沖突,並根據需要調用已注冊的變更應用方目標來保存變更或保存沖突。
NotifyingChangeApplier changeApplier = new NotifyingChangeApplier(_idFormats);
// The following step is required because we are remote change application
null, // Note that we do not pass a sync session context
new SyncCallbacks());
// Return the ChangeApplierInfo
return changeApplier.GetChangeApplierInfo();
//If full enumeration is needed because this provider is out of date due to tombstone cleanup, then this method will be called by the engine.
public byte[] ProcessRemoteFullEnumerationChangeBatch(
ConflictResolutionPolicy resolutionPolicy,
FullEnumerationChangeBatch sourceChanges,
CachedChangeDataRetriever changeDataRetriever,
byte[] changeApplierInfo)
//Get all my local change versions from the metadata store
IEnumerable<ItemChange> localChanges = _metadata.GetFullEnumerationLocalVersions(sourceChanges);
NotifyingChangeApplier changeApplier = new NotifyingChangeApplier(_idFormats);
// The following step is required because we are remote change application
changeDataRetriever as IChangeDataRetriever,
null, // Note that we do not pass a sync session context
new SyncCallbacks());
// Return the ChangeApplierInfo
return changeApplier.GetChangeApplierInfo();
//Quick debug mechanism to show what the store "knows" and what it contains
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
if (_metadataStore == null)
buffer.AppendFormat("{2}Provider {0} has the following for Knowledge: {1}{2}", _replicaId.GetGuidId(), _metadata.GetKnowledge().ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
buffer.AppendFormat("{2}Provider {0} has the following for Knowledge: {1}{2}", _replicaId.GetGuidId(), _metadata.GetKnowledge().ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
return buffer.ToString();
SyncOrchestrator agent = new SyncOrchestrator();
agent.Direction = SyncDirectionOrder.DownloadAndUpload;
agent.LocalProvider = new MySyncProvider(folderPathForDataAndMetadata, providerNameA);
agent.RemoteProvider = new RemoteProviderProxy(remotefolderPathForDataAndMetadata, name,
stats = agent.Synchronize();