在VS.NET 中,我們可以很方便地使用屬性窗口來對某個控件的屬性進行設置,那麼,我們有沒有想過,如果在應用程序中,在對程序中的自定義的屬性進行設置時,顯示一個象屬性窗口一樣的窗體,能對其中的屬性方便的設置呢?就象下圖所示的一樣。
在彈出的窗口中,選擇.NET Freamwork components窗口,再選擇其中的property grid控件,點擊選擇就完成了對控件的加入,如下圖所示:
using System.ComponentModel;
/// Customer class to be displayed in the property grid /// </summary> /// [DefaultPropertyAttribute("Name")] public class Customer { private string _name; private int _age; private DateTime _dateOfBirth; private string _SSN; private string _address; private string _email; private bool _frequentBuyer; [CategoryAttribute("ID Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("Name of the customer")] public string Name { get { return _name; } set { _name = value; } } [CategoryAttribute("ID Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("Social Security Number of the customer")] public string SSN { get { return _SSN; } set { _SSN = value; } } [CategoryAttribute("ID Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("Address of the customer")] public string Address { get { return _address; } set { _address = value; } } [CategoryAttribute("ID Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("Date of Birth of the Customer (optional)")] public DateTime DateOfBirth { get { return _dateOfBirth; } set { _dateOfBirth = value; } } [CategoryAttribute("ID Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("Age of the customer")] public int Age { get { return _age; } set { _age = value; } } [CategoryAttribute("Marketting Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("If the customer has bought more than 10 times, this is set to true")] public bool FrequentBuyer { get { return _frequentBuyer; } set { _frequentBuyer = value; } } [CategoryAttribute("Marketting Settings"), DescriptionAttribute("Most current e-mail of the customer")] public string Email { get { return _email; } set { _email = value; } } public Customer() { } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //創建bill對象,實例化CUSTOMER類 Customer bill = new Customer(); //賦值給屬性 bill.Age = 50; bill.Address = " 114 Maple Drive "; bill.DateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(" 9/14/78"); bill.SSN = "123-345-3566"; bill.Email = “[email protected]” bill.Name = "Bill Smith"; //將對象綁定到property控件中 propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = bill; }
最後,運行程序,我們就得到了本文一開始圖示的結果了。再來回顧下該程序,其中我們使用了CatrgoryAttribute屬性,定義了id settings和MarketSettings,它們在屬性控件中以分類的形式出現(注意它們前有個“+”號,點擊可以展開看到其子屬性)。同時,我們每當選擇一個屬性時,在屬性控件框的下部,會同時顯示該屬性的相關描述。