C#開發的控制台程序,默認接收string[] args參數。如果有多個參數需要輸入時,可以按照順序依次輸入;但如果有些參數不是必選的,或者有些參數中間需要有空格比如時間“2016-05-18 24:35:00”,處理起來就比較麻煩了。一些常用的命令行工具都會提供指定參數的方式,比如:curl
C:\Users\Administrator>curl --help
Usage: curl [options...] <url>
Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only
--anyauth Pick "any" authentication method (H)
-a/--append Append to target file when uploading (F)
--basic Use HTTP Basic Authentication (H)
--cacert <file> CA certificate to verify peer against (SSL)
--capath <directory> CA directory to verify peer against (SSL)
-E/--cert <cert[:passwd]> Client certificate file and password (SSL)
這裡要介紹的 CommandLine 就是幫助我們輕易完成參數接收和幫助輸出的開源類庫,同時它可以把接收到的參數轉換成對象,方便程序的處理。
可以下載、編譯、引用CommandLine.dll,也可以使用nuget安裝 Install-Package CommandLineParser
2. 新建參數說明類 Options
using CommandLine;
using CommandLine.Text;
然後,定義Options 類
class Options { [Option('r', "read", MetaValue = "FILE", Required = true, HelpText = "輸入數據文件")] public string InputFile { get; set; } [Option('w', "write", MetaValue = "FILE", Required = false, HelpText = "輸出數據文件")] public string OutputFile { get; set; } [Option('s', "start-time", MetaValue = "STARTTIME", Required = true, HelpText = "開始時間")] public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } [Option('e', "end-time", MetaValue = "ENDTIME", Required = true, HelpText = "結束時間")] public DateTime EndTime { get; set; } [HelpOption] public string GetUsage() { return HelpText.AutoBuild(this, current => HelpText.DefaultParsingErrorsHandler(this, current)); } }
3. 修改控制台主程序 Program的Main函數
//輸出信息時的頭信息 private static readonly HeadingInfo HeadingInfo = new HeadingInfo("演示程序", "V1.8"); static void Main(string[] args) { //這種輸出會在前面添加"演示程序"幾個字 HeadingInfo.WriteError("包含頭信息的錯誤數據"); HeadingInfo.WriteMessage("包含頭信息的消息數據"); Console.WriteLine("不包含頭信息的錯誤數據"); Console.WriteLine("不包含頭信息的消息數據"); var options = new Options(); if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { Console.WriteLine("Input File:" + options.InputFile); Console.WriteLine("Output File:" + options.OutputFile); Console.WriteLine("開始3. 測試控制台程序