public class XeroApiAdapter { private readonly IXeroApiParameter _parameter; private const string PARTNER_URL =; private const string BASE_URL =; public XeroCoreApi CoreApi { get; private set; } private readonly X509Certificate2 _signingCertificate; private readonly X509Certificate2 _partnerCertificate; ////// /// /// public XeroApiAdapter(IXeroApiParameter parameter) { _signingCertificate = XeroOAuthSettings.Fetch.SigningCertificate.SelectedCertificate; if (_signingCertificate == null) { throw new Exception(Signing certificate must be defined); } _partnerCertificate = XeroOAuthSettings.Fetch.PartnerCertificate.SelectedCertificate; if (_partnerCertificate == null) { throw new Exception(partner certificate must be defined); } _parameter = parameter; var user = new ApiUser { OrganisationId = parameter.NetworkId, Name = parameter.NetworkId }; CoreApi = new XeroCoreApi(PARTNER_URL, new RuPartnerAuthethicator(PARTNER_URL, BASE_URL, XeroTokenServices.Do, _signingCertificate, _partnerCertificate), new Consumer(parameter.ConsumerKey, parameter.ConsumerSecret), user, new DefaultMapper(), new DefaultMapper()); } public PartnerMvcAuthenticator MvcAuthenticator(string callBack) { return new PartnerMvcAuthenticator(PARTNER_URL, BASE_URL, callBack, XeroTokenServices.Do, _signingCertificate, _partnerCertificate, new Consumer(_parameter.ConsumerKey, _parameter.ConsumerSecret), XeroRequestTokenServices.Do); } }
public class RuPartnerAuthethicator : PartnerAuthenticator { public RuPartnerAuthethicator(string baseUri, string authorizeUri, ITokenStore store, string signingCertificatePath, string certificatePath, string password) : base(baseUri, authorizeUri, , store, signingCertificatePath, certificatePath, password) { } public RuPartnerAuthethicator(string baseUri, string authorizeUri, ITokenStore store, X509Certificate2 signingCertificate, X509Certificate2 certificate) : base(baseUri, authorizeUri, , store, signingCertificate, certificate) { } protected override string AuthorizeUser(IToken token) { throw new XeroRenewAccessTokenException(Please renew access token); } }
public class XeroTokenServices : MongoService, ITokenStore { public static XeroTokenServices Do { get { return new XeroTokenServices(); } } private XeroTokenServices() { } private MongoCollectionXeroTokenStore { get { return Connection.GetMongoCollection (XeroTokenStore); } } public void Add(IToken token) { //Lets delete first as we are not sure if Xero have a delete Delete(token); XeroTokenStore.Save(new MDXeroToken(token)); } public void Delete(IToken token) { XeroTokenStore.Remove(Query .EQ(x => x.UserId, token.UserId)); } public IToken Find(string user) { var token = XeroTokenStore.FindOne(Query .EQ(x => x.UserId, user)); return token; } public void ClearTokenForNetwork(string id) { XeroTokenStore.Remove(Query .EQ(x => x.UserId, id)); } } public class XeroRequestTokenServices : MongoService, ITokenStore { public static XeroRequestTokenServices Do { get { return new XeroRequestTokenServices(); } } private XeroRequestTokenServices() { } private MongoCollection XeroTokenStore { get { return Connection.GetMongoCollection (XeroRequestTokenStore); } } public void Add(IToken token) { //Lets delete first as we are not sure if Xero have a delete Delete(token); XeroTokenStore.Save(new MDXeroToken(token)); } public void Delete(IToken token) { XeroTokenStore.Remove(Query .EQ(x => x.UserId, token.UserId)); } public IToken Find(string user) { return XeroTokenStore.FindOne(Query .EQ(x => x.UserId, user)); } public void ClearTokenForNetwork(string id) { XeroTokenStore.Remove(Query .EQ(x => x.UserId, id)); } }
4. 指定callback 函數, 在xero配置callback domain
4.1 添加Application
4.2 配置call back domain , 生成key , secret
public ActionResult Authorize(string oauth_token, string oauth_verifier, string org, string redirect) { var network = NetworksManagment.Do.GetNetwork(Tenant.NetworkId); var xeroApi = new XeroApiAdapter(new XeroApiParam(network)); var authenthicator = xeroApi.MvcAuthenticator(); try { // - call XeroTokenServices.Add and store the token in MDXeroToken var token = authenthicator.RetrieveAndStoreAccessToken(network.Id, oauth_token, oauth_verifier, org); var organization = xeroApi.CoreApi.Organisation; ... TempData.AddNotification(NotifcationType.Success, Xero connected successfully); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData.AddNotification(Error connecting to Xero, ex); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirect)) { return RedirectToAction(Index); } return Redirect(redirect); }