FXSCOMEX.dll 提供跟加健全的方法,可以說所有關於傳真的操作都在這個dll中。
2. 發送傳真的方法
1 public object sendFaxBatchDoc(FaxPeopleBean recipient, FaxPeopleBean sender, List<string> docList) 2 { 3 bool isConnected=false; 4 FaxServer objFaxServer=null; 5 try 6 { 7 objFaxServer = new FaxServer(); 8 FaxDocument objFaxDocument = new FaxDocument(); 9 Object jobIds;//每次發送後,都會返回一個傳真作業id,用於監控此傳真的發送情況 10 //Connect to the fax server 11 objFaxServer.Connect(""); //""代表連接到本地機器服務,也可以使用其它網絡傳真服務器 12 isConnected = true; 13 SetOutgoingQueue(objFaxServer); 14 objFaxDocument.Sender.Name = sender.Name; 15 objFaxDocument.Sender.Company = sender.Company; 16 objFaxDocument.Sender.FaxNumber = sender.FaxNumber; 17 if (sender.ScheduleTime != QLOAParams.DtSqlDbMinValue) 18 { 19 // Specify that the fax is to be sent at a particular time 20 objFaxDocument.ScheduleType = FAXCOMEXLib.FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM.fstSPECIFIC_TIME; 21 //CDate converts the time to the Date data type 22 objFaxDocument.ScheduleTime = sender.ScheduleTime; 23 } 24 25 //Set the fax priority 26 objFaxDocument.Priority = FAXCOMEXLib.FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM.fptHIGH; 27 // 'Add the recipient 28 objFaxDocument.Recipients.Add(recipient.FaxNumber, recipient.Name); 29 string[] files = docList.ToArray(); 30 object bodys = files; 31 objFaxDocument.Bodies = bodys; 32 int result = objFaxDocument.ConnectedSubmit2(objFaxServer, out jobIds); 33 return jobIds; 34 } 35 finally 36 { 37 if (isConnected && objFaxServer!=null) 38 { 39 objFaxServer.Disconnect(); 40 } 41 } 42 }
3. 用於設置傳真的一些屬性,必須連接過後才可以設置
public void SetOutgoingQueue(FaxServer objFaxServer) { FaxOutgoingQueue objFaxOutgoingQueue; //'Get the outgoing queue object objFaxOutgoingQueue = objFaxServer.Folders.OutgoingQueue; //'Refresh the queue object objFaxOutgoingQueue.Refresh(); objFaxOutgoingQueue.Retries = 10; //重試10次後不再發生 objFaxOutgoingQueue.RetryDelay = 1; //The Branding property is a Boolean value that indicates whether the fax service generates a brand (banner) //at the top of outgoing fax transmissions. A brand contains transmission-related information, such as the transmitting //station identifier, date, time, and page count. objFaxOutgoingQueue.Branding = true; }
4. 取消某個傳真的發送
public void CancelOutgoingQueue(string faxJobid) { FaxServer objFaxServer = new FaxServer(); FaxOutgoingQueue objFaxOutgoingQueue; FaxOutgoingJob objFaxOutgoingJob; //'Connect to the fax server objFaxServer.Connect(""); //'Get the outgoing queue object objFaxOutgoingQueue = objFaxServer.Folders.OutgoingQueue; //'Refresh the queue object objFaxOutgoingQueue.Refresh(); try { objFaxOutgoingJob = (FaxOutgoingJob)objFaxOutgoingQueue.GetJob(faxJobid); //找不到時會發生異常 objFaxOutgoingJob.Cancel(); } catch { } objFaxServer.Disconnect(); }
5. 需要對傳真發送情況進行監控
FAXCOMEXLib.FaxServer _faxServer= new FaxServer(); _faxServer.Connect(""); _faxServer.OnOutgoingJobChanged +=FaxServer_OnOutgoingJobChanged;
6. 監控的方法在這裡
public void FaxServer_OnOutgoingJobChanged(FAXCOMEXLib.IFaxServer pFaxServer, string bstrJobId, FAXCOMEXLib.IFaxJobStatus pJobStatus) { //根據pJobStatus 枚舉可以實時的獲取,傳真的發生情況,具體的操作代碼可以寫作這裡