 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> .NET網頁編程 >> C# >> C#入門知識 >> Unity3D 學習教程 12 C# 發射炮彈,

Unity3D 學習教程 12 C# 發射炮彈,


Unity3D 學習教程 12 C# 發射炮彈,






 1 using UnityEngine;
 2 using System.Collections;
 4 public class acc : MonoBehaviour {
 6     // Use this for initialization
 7     public Transform Q;
 8     int speed=50;
 9     void Start () {
11     }
13     // Update is called once per frame
14     void Update () {
15         float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * speed;//左右移動
16         float z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime * speed;//    前後移動
17         //主攝像機物體    移動
18         transform.Translate(x,0,z);
20         if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0))
21         {
22             Transform n = (Transform)Instantiate(Q,transform.position,transform.rotation);
23             Vector3 f = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
24             n.rigidbody.AddForce(f*2000);
25         }
27         print(x+"--"+z);
28     }
29 }

public Transform Q;

建立一個炮彈 Q  


Transform 變換

Inherits from Component,IEnumerable

Position, rotation and scale of an object.


Every object in a scene has a Transform. It's used to store and manipulate the position, rotation and scale of the object. Every Transform can have a parent, which allows you to apply position, rotation and scale hierarchically. This is the hierarchy seen in the Hierarchy pane. They also support enumerators so you can loop through children using:


  • C#
  • JavaScript
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public void Awake() {
foreach (Transform child in transform) {
child.position += Vector3.up * 10.0F;
// Moves all transform children 10 units upwards!
for (var child : Transform in transform) {
	child.position += Vector3.up * 10.0;

參見:Physics 類.


  • position The position of the transform in world space. 在世界空間坐標transform的位置。
  • localPosition Position of the transform relative to the parent transform. 相對於父級的變換的位置。
  • eulerAngles The rotation as Euler angles in degrees. 旋轉作為歐拉角度。
  • localEulerAngles The rotation as Euler angles in degrees relative to the parent transform's rotation. 旋轉作為歐拉角度,相對於父級的變換旋轉角度。
  • right The red axis of the transform in world space. 在世界空間坐標變換的紅色軸。也就是x軸。
  • up The green axis of the transform in world space. 在世界空間坐標變換的綠色軸。也就是y軸。
  • forward The blue axis of the transform in world space. 在世界空間坐標變換的藍色軸。也就是z軸。
  • rotation The rotation of the transform in world space stored as a Quaternion. 在世界空間坐標物體變換的旋轉角度作為Quaternion儲存。
  • localRotation The rotation of the transform relative to the parent transform's rotation. 物體變換的旋轉角度相對於父級的物體變換的旋轉角度。
  • localScale The scale of the transform relative to the parent. 相對於父級物體變換的縮放。
  • parent The parent of the transform. 物體變換的父級。
  • worldToLocalMatrix Matrix that transforms a point from world space into local space (Read Only). 矩陣變換的點從世界坐標轉為自身坐標(只讀)。
  • localToWorldMatrix Matrix that transforms a point from local space into world space (Read Only). 矩陣變換的點從自身坐標轉為世界坐標(只讀)。
  • root Returns the topmost transform in the hierarchy. 返回層次最高的變換。
  • childCount The number of children the Transform has. 變換的子物體數量。
  • lossyScale The global scale of the object (Read Only). 物體的全局縮放(只讀)。


  • Translate Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation. 移動transform在translation的方向和距離。
  • Rotate Applies a rotation of eulerAngles.z degrees around the z axis, eulerAngles.x degrees around the x axis, and eulerAngles.y degrees around the y axis (in that order). 應用一個歐拉角的旋轉角度,eulerAngles.z度圍繞z軸,eulerAngles.x度圍繞x軸,eulerAngles.y度圍繞y軸(這樣的順序)。
  • RotateAround Rotates the transform about axis passing through point in world coordinates by angle degrees. 按照angle度通過在世界坐標的point軸旋轉物體。
  • LookAt Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at /target/'s current position. 旋轉物體,這樣向前向量指向target的當前位置。
  • TransformDirection Transforms direction from local space to world space. 從自身坐標到世界坐標變換方向。
  • InverseTransformDirection Transforms a direction from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirection. 變換方向從世界坐標到自身坐標。和Transform.TransformDirection相反。
  • TransformPoint Transforms position from local space to world space. 變換位置從自身坐標到世界坐標。
  • InverseTransformPoint Transforms position from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformPoint. 變換位置從世界坐標到自身坐標。和Transform.TransformPoint相反。
  • DetachChildren Unparents all children. 所有子物體解除父子關系。
  • Find Finds a child by name and returns it. 通過名字查找子物體並返回它。
  • IsChildOf Is this transform a child of parent? 這個變換是父級的子物體?

Inherited members繼承成員

Inherited Variables繼承變量

  • transform The Transform attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Transform附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • rigidbody The Rigidbody attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Rigidbody附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • camera The Camera attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Camera附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • light The Light attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Light附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • animation The Animation attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Animation附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • constantForce The ConstantForce attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). ConstantForce附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • renderer The Renderer attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Renderer附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • audio The AudioSource attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). AudioSource附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • guiText The GUIText attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). GUIText附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • networkView The NetworkView attached to this GameObject (Read Only). (null if there is none attached) NetworkView附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(只讀)(如無附加則為空)。
  • guiTexture The GUITexture attached to this GameObject (Read Only). (null if there is none attached) GUITexture附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(只讀)(如無附加則為空)。
  • collider The Collider attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). Collider附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • hingeJoint The HingeJoint attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). HingeJoint附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • particleEmitter The ParticleEmitter attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached). ParticleEmitter附加到GameObject(游戲物體)(如無附加則為空)。
  • gameObject The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object. 組件附加的游戲物體。一個組件總是被附加到一個游戲物體。
  • tag The tag of this game object. 游戲物體的標簽。
  • name The name of the object. //物體的名字
  • hideFlags Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user? 物體是否被隱藏、保存在場景中或被用戶修改?

Inherited Functions繼承函數

  • GetComponent Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. 如果游戲物體有一個附加,則返回Type類型的組件,如果沒有則為null。
  • GetComponent.<T>  
  • GetComponent Returns the component with name type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't. 如果游戲物體有一個附加,則返回名字類型組件,如果沒有則為null。
  • GetComponentInChildren Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. 返回Type類型組件,在GameObject或它的任何子物體使用深度優先搜索,僅返回激活的組件。
  • GetComponentInChildren.<T>  
  • GetComponentsInChildren Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. 在GameObject或任何它的子物體,返回全部Type類型組件
  • GetComponentsInChildren.<T>  
  • GetComponents Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. 在游戲物體返回全部Type類型組件。
  • GetComponents.<T>  
  • CompareTag Is this game object tagged tag? 游戲物體有被標記標簽麼?
  • SendMessageUpwards Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour 在游戲物體每一個MonoBehaviour和每一個behaviour的祖先上調用名為methodName的方法。
  • SendMessage Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object. 在游戲物體每一個MonoBehaviour上調用名為methodName的方法。
  • BroadcastMessage Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children. 在游戲物體每一個MonoBehaviour和它的全部子物體上調用名為methodName的方法。
  • GetInstanceID Returns the instance id of the object. 返回物體的實例ID
  • ToString Returns the name of the game object. 返回游戲物體的名稱。

Inherited Class Functions繼承類函數

  • operator bool Does the object exist? 物體是否存在?
  • Instantiate Clones the object original and returns the clone. 克隆原始物體,並返回克隆的物體
  • Instantiate.<T>  
  • Destroy Removes a gameobject, component or asset. 刪除一個游戲物體、組件或資源
  • DestroyImmediate Destroys the object obj immediately. It is strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. 立即銷毀物體obj,強烈建議使用Destroy代替。
  • FindObjectsOfType Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type. 返回Type類型的所有激活的加載的物體列表
  • FindObjectOfType Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. 返回Type類型第一個激活的加載的物體。
  • operator == Compares if two objects refer to the same 比較如果兩個物體相同
  • operator != Compares if two objects refer to a different object 比較如果兩個物體不同
  • DontDestroyOnLoad Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene. 加載新場景的時候使目標物體不被自動銷毀。

int speed=50;




Transform n = (Transform)Instantiate(Q,transform.position,transform.rotation);


Instantiate 是object類型  需要強制轉換

Vector3 f = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

三維坐標 Vector3.forward 0 0 1 向前





點擊 攝像頭 把炮彈拖向 定義的public的變量

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