// 摘要: // Listens to text view created events. public interface IWpfTextViewCreationListener { // 摘要: // Called when a text view having matching roles is created over a text data // model having a matching content type. // // 參數: // textView: // The newly created text view. void TextViewCreated(IWpfTextView textView); }
所以隨便選擇一個模板都是可以的,只要在項目裡面將模板創建的插件入口類改為繼承IWpfTextViewCreationListener接口,並實現其接口即可。由於該功能需要用到選項配置功能,所以我建議讀者使用Visual Stuido Package模板,因為使用該模板添加選項頁會比較容易。這是msdn上在使用Visual Studio Package模板的情況下如何添加選項頁的教程:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb166195.aspx。我選擇的是Editor Text Adornment模板,因為該模板創建的入口類就是繼承IWpfTextViewCreationListener接口,但是使用該模板的話,添加選項頁會比較麻煩一點。
按照msdn上的教程,我們知道需要添加兩個類:繼承Package的類和繼承DialogPage的類,過程我就不再贅述。如果緊緊按照msdn上的教程,你會發現在工具-選項下根本沒有我們添加的選項頁(非Visual Studio Package模板的情況),這是為什麼呢?原來在我們的csproj文件和source.extension.vsixmanifest裡缺少了一些元素,按照下面的步驟就可以實現添加選項頁的功能:
Type選擇Microsoft.VisualStudio.Assembly,Source選擇A project in current solution,Project選擇當前的插件項目,點擊OK添加完成,再次點擊New按鈕,這次的Type選擇Microsoft.VisualStudio.VsPackage,Source和Project跟第一次的一樣即可。
通過查看TextViewCreated函數的參數類型textView,可以知道IWpfTextView 接口並沒有包含文檔保存的事件。那麼,我們該如何才能訂閱保存事件呢?通過查找相關的資料,發現可以通過以下方式獲取文檔的保存事件:
//EnvDTE.DTE _dte
this._dte = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE)) as DTE;
//EnvDTE.Events _events this._events = this._dte.Events;
//EnvDTE.DocumentEvents _docEvents this._docEvents = this._events.DocumentEvents;
1 namespace AppSettingsSync 2 { 3 public class TextViewListener 4 { 5 /// <summary> 6 /// 文檔信息 7 /// </summary> 8 private ITextView _view; 9 10 private DTE _dte; 11 private Events _events; 12 private DocumentEvents _docEvents; 13 /// <summary> 14 /// 文檔是否修改過 15 /// </summary> 16 private bool _isChanged; 17 /// <summary> 18 /// 保存的時候是否自動同步到其他AppSettings.xml 19 /// </summary> 20 private bool _isAutoReplace = true; 21 /// <summary> 22 /// 觸發同步操作的AppSetting.xml 23 /// </summary> 24 private string _sourceFile; 25 /// <summary> 26 /// 要被同步的AppSettings.xml所在的文件目錄 27 /// </summary> 28 private string _targetFolder; 29 30 /// <summary> 31 /// 打開文檔時觸發 32 /// </summary> 33 /// <param name="textView"></param> 34 public TextViewListener(IWpfTextView textView) 35 { 36 this._view = textView; 37 this._dte = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE)) as DTE; 38 Properties props = this._dte.get_Properties("IStrong", "AppSettingsSync"); 39 if (props == null) 40 return; 41 this._sourceFile = (string)props.Item("SourceXmlFilePath").Value; 42 //File.AppendAllText(@"D:\log.txt", "源文件" + this._sourceFile + "當前文件" + this._dte.ActiveDocument.FullName); 43 if (!this._dte.ActiveDocument.FullName.Equals(this._sourceFile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) 44 return; 45 //獲取DTE對象 46 this._events = this._dte.Events; 47 this._docEvents = this._events.DocumentEvents; 48 //訂閱文檔保存和修改事件 49 this._docEvents.DocumentSaved += _docEvents_DocumentSaved; 50 this._view.TextBuffer.Changed += TextBuffer_Changed; 51 } 52 53 /// <summary> 54 /// 文檔修改事件 55 /// </summary> 56 /// <param name="sender"></param> 57 /// <param name="e"></param> 58 void TextBuffer_Changed(object sender, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.TextContentChangedEventArgs e) 59 { 60 if (e.Changes.Count() > 0) 61 this._isChanged = true; 62 } 63 64 /// <summary> 65 /// 文檔保存事件 66 /// </summary> 67 /// <param name="Document"></param> 68 async void _docEvents_DocumentSaved(Document Document) 69 { 70 try 71 { 72 //File.AppendAllText(@"D:\log.txt", "觸發保存事件"); 73 //獲取Tool->Opetions->IStrong->AppSettingsSync配置項內容 74 Properties props = this._dte.get_Properties("IStrong", "AppSettingsSync"); 75 if (props == null) 76 return; 77 this._sourceFile = (string)props.Item("SourceXmlFilePath").Value; 78 //保存時要同時滿足是源AppSettings.xml文件和該文件有被修改過 79 if (Document.FullName.Equals(this._sourceFile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && this._isChanged) 80 { 81 this._isAutoReplace = (bool)props.Item("IsAutoSync").Value; 82 this._targetFolder = (string)props.Item("TargetFolder").Value; 83 //手動選擇要同步的文件 84 if (!this._isAutoReplace) 85 { 86 SelectFiles sf = new SelectFiles(this._sourceFile, this._targetFolder); 87 sf.ShowDialog(); 88 this._isChanged = false; 89 } 90 else 91 { 92 //自動同步文件 93 string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(this._sourceFile); 94 string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(this._targetFolder, fileName, SearchOption.AllDirectories); 95 this._isChanged = false; 96 await SyncHelper.SyncAppSettings(this._sourceFile, files); 97 //同步完成後修改Visual Studio狀態欄信息 98 IVsStatusbar bar = ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsStatusbar)) as IVsStatusbar; 99 bar.SetText("AppSettings配置文件同步完成。"); 100 } 101 } 102 } 103 catch (Exception ex) 104 { 105 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); 106 } 107 } 108 } 109 } View Code獲取VS的主題顏色
/// <summary> /// 將模態窗口的顏色設置為Visual Studio的背景色 /// </summary> /// <param name="themeColor"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Color converVsThemeColor(vsThemeColors themeColor) { DTE2 dte2 = (EnvDTE80.DTE2)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal. GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.12.0"); uint color = dte2.GetThemeColor(themeColor); int a = (int)color / 0x1000000; int b = (int)(color - a * 0x1000000) / 0x10000; int g = (int)(color - a * 0x1000000 - b * 0x10000) / 0x100; int r = (int)(color - a * 0x1000000 - b * 0x10000 - g * 0x100); return Color.FromArgb(0xFF, r, g, b); }