NopCommerce一直采用微軟最前沿的技術(如ASP.NET MVC 5,Entityframework6,SQLServer2012等)進行開發。NopCommerce對商家和我們技術人員來說都是非常棒的:對於商家來說擁有一套NopCommerce這樣的商城系統,不但節約了若干研發投入,還容易找到改版的程序員;對於程序員來說學習到最新的技術與網站架構,可以迅速成為一把利劍游刃於.NET領域(前提你要把NopCommerce所涉及的80%知識點掌握),加薪,買房對於草根的程序員指日可待(不吹了,你懂的),切入正題。
1.1 多商城支持(Multi-store support)
1.2 多賣家支持(Multi-vendor support)
1.3 移動設備支持(Mobile devices support)
1.4 支持商品類別和品牌(Supports categories and manufacturers)
1.5 類別嵌套任意子類別(Categories can also be fully nested to any level desired (sub-categories))
1.6 一個商品可以指定多個類別,指定多個品牌(Products can be mapped to more than one category or manufacturer)
1.7 支持單頁結賬(One-page Checkout)
1.8 支持匿名用戶結賬(Anonymous checkout)
1.9 支持禮品卡(Gift Cards)
1.10 支持組合商品(Bundle and grouped products)
1.11 (Recurring Products)
1.12 多語言支持(Multilingual support)
1.13 多種貨幣支持(Multicurrency support)
1.14 支持重量,尺寸測量(Measure weights, measure dimensions)
1.15 實時匯率(Real-time currency exchange rates (ECB))
1.16 支持SSL(SSL support)
1.17 導出到XML(Export to XML)
1.18 訪問權限控制(Access Control List)
1.19 操作日志(Activity Log)
1.20 即時通訊(Live Chat Integration)
1.21 第三方Facebook整合(Facebook Integration)
1.22 短信提醒(SMS Notifications)
1.23 自定義模板(Fully 100% customizable design using templates)
1.24 支持電話訂購(Phone order support)
1.25 支持退貨管理(RMA (return management))
1.26 只對允許的國家配置清單(Configurable list of allowed countries:For billing,For shipping)
2.1 商品屬性(如顏色,大小)(Product attributes (e.g. color, size))
2.2 商品標簽(Product tags)
2.3 可配置的結算屬性(如《禮品包裝》或《輸入自定義信息》)(Configurable checkout attributes (such as «Gift Wrap» or «Enter custom message»))
2.4 可配置的用戶屬性(如出生日期»,««電話號碼»)(Configurable customer attributes (such as «Date of birth», «Phone number»))
2.5 為用戶組指定商品價格(Individual prices can be specified for individual customer groups)
2.6 允許用戶進入商品價格(如果已啟用)(Allow customers to enter product price (if enabled))
2.7 店主可隱藏非注冊用戶的商品價格(Allow store owner to hide prices for non-registered customers)
2.8 支持每個商品多個圖片(Supports multiple images per product)
2.9 自動圖片大小調整(Auto image resizing)
2.10 支持商品下載(Downloadable products supported)
2.11 商品上的文字選項(如要求會標商品的首字母,要求的商品定制,文本名稱等)(Text options on products (e.g. require initials for monogrammed products, require text name for product customization, etc))
2.12 支持簡單的商品(如一本書)或商品選型(Support for simple products (e.g. a book) or products with variants)
2.13 支持銷售價格(Support for sale prices)
2.14 商品搜索(Product search)
2.15 支持特色商品,熱銷商品或最新產品(Featured products, sale products or new products)
2.16 庫存跟蹤(Inventory tracking)
2.17 禁用特定商品的購買按鈕(Disable buy buttons for specific products)
2.18 商品規格參數(如處理器,內存,顯卡)(Product specifications (e.g. processor, memory, graphic card))
2.19 商品比較(如果已啟用)(Compare product feature (if enabled))
2.20 支持面包屑(Breadcrumbs)
3.1 積分系統(Reward Points System)
3.2 對任意商品類別,品牌,商品可單獨設計模板(Ability to assign design on category, manufacturer or product (unique design per category/manufacturer/product))
3.3 支持相關商品(Supports related products)
3.4 市場部經理(活動)(Marketing manager (campaigns))
3.5 用戶組可被標記為免費送貨(Customer groups can be marked as free shipping)
3.6 用戶組可被標記為免稅(Customer groups can be marked as tax exempt)
3.7 支持折扣(Supports discounts)
3.8 支持優惠券(Supports coupons)
3.9 折扣金額可以是一個固定值或百分比。例如,10元或20%(Discount amount can either be a fixed value or a percent off. e.g. ¥10.00 off or 20% off)
3.10 可設置優惠券有效時間,指定開始日期和結束日期(You can specify a start date and an end date when the coupon is valid Customers can review & rate products (if enabled))
3.11 用戶可評價商品(如果已啟用)(Customers can review & rate products (if enabled))
3.12 支持所有商品評論需經管理員同意(Require administrator approval of product reviews for all reviews)
3.13 支持商品評論是否有用(“這條評論對你有用嗎?“)Product review helpfulness (“Was this review helpful for you?”)
3.14 為商品設置折扣(Discounts can be applied to products)
3.15 為類別設置折扣(Discounts can be applied to categories)
3.16 為訂單設置折扣(Discounts can be applied to whole order)
3.17 為用戶角色設置折扣(Discounts can be filtered by a customer role)
3.18 商品購買數量折扣(層價格)(Volume discounts (Tier prices))
3.19 最近添加的商品頁面,RSS訂閱。(Recently added products page. RSS.)
3.20 最近浏覽的商品(Recently viewed products page)
3.21 免費送貨選項(Free Shipping Option)
3.22 搜索引擎友好的URL(Search Engine Friendly URL's)
3.23 自動URL重寫(Automated URL Re-Writing)
3.24 每個商品,類別和品牌的頁面可以有自己的自定義搜索引擎的meta標簽,網頁標題(Every product, category and manufacturer page can have their own )
3.25 自定義默認搜索引擎優化Meta標簽(Customize default SEO meta tags)
3.26 支持商店的新聞,RSS新聞,新聞評論(Store news items supported. News RSS. News comments)
3.27 支持投票(Polls supported.)
3.28 支持論壇(Forum supported)
3.29 支持營銷聯盟推廣(Supports affiliate programs)
3.30 谷歌XML站點地圖(Google XML site map)
3.31 自定義電子郵件模板(Customizable email templates)
3.32 完全自定義任何類別,任何品牌或商品頁的布局和外觀,(Completely customize the layout & appearance of any category, manufacturer, or product page)
3.33 內容管理系統主題(CMS Topics)
3.34 面包屑導航供簡單的網站導航(Breadcrumb trail for easy site navigation)
3.35 若無心打理商城,支持關閉商城("Store is closed" feature)
4.1 集成的實時運費:UPS,美國郵政(Integrated for real-time shipping rates from: UPS, USPS)
4.2 根據訂單計算運費(Calculate shipping by order total)
4.3 根據訂單重量計算運費(Calculate shipping by order weight)
4.4 根據國家和訂單總重量來計算運費(Calculate shipping by country & total order weight)
4.5 管理員定義的運輸方法(Admin defined shipping methods)
4.6 支持“無需運輸”的商品(例如服務)(Support for "no shipping required" products (e.g. services))
4.7 指定所有訂單免費送貨(Specify all orders as free shipping)
4.8 支持指定用戶組設置免費送貨(Customer groups can be marked as free shipping)
5.1 根據省份應用稅收 (Apply tax by state)
5.2 根據國家應用稅收(Apply tax by country)
5.3 根據郵編應用稅收(Apply tax by zip)
5.4 StrikeIron tax provider
5.5 個別商品可顯示應納稅或免稅(Individual products can be marked taxable or tax-exempt)
5.6 根據商品征稅(如商品,服務,酒精,等)(Tax classes supported by product (e.g. goods, services, alcohol, etc))
5.7 支持指定用戶組免稅(Customer groups can be marked as tax exempt#)
5.8 支持增值稅(VAT support)
5.9 店主指定哪些稅依據:計費/運輸/默認/航運起始地址(Allow store owner to specify which tax based on:billing/shipping/default/shipping origin address )
5.10 允許店主指定的價格包括稅(Allow store owner to specify whether prices include tax)
5.11 讓用戶選擇稅收的顯示類型(包含/不含稅)(Allow customer to choose tax display type (incl/excl tax))
5.12 讓店主指定稅顯示類型(包含/不含稅)(Allow store owner to specify tax display type (incl/excl tax))
5.13 允許店主指定配送是否交稅(Allow store owner to specify whether shipping is taxable)
5.14 允許店主指定運費是否交稅(Allow store owner to specify whether shipping prices include tax)
5.15 讓店主指定是否隱藏零稅率(Allow store owner to specify whether to hide zero tax)
5.16 在訂單小結處當顯示價格含稅時,允許店主設置是否隱藏(Allow store owner to specify whether to hide tax in order summary when prices are shown tax inclusive)
6.1 交貨付款方式現金(Cash On Delivery payment method)
6.2 接受付款訂單(Accept Purchase Order.)
6.3 接受支票/匯票(Accept Checks / Money Order.)
6.4 接受主要的信用卡和借記卡(Accept all major credit and debit cards)
6.5 商店可設定只授權,或者auth捕獲信用卡模式。然後你可以捕捉支付裝船時如果需要(Store can be set to authorize only, or auth-capture credit card mode. You can then capture payment at shipment if desired)
6.6 實時或線下處理信用卡(Real-time or offline credit card processing)
6.7 手動(只收集離線處理的訂單和支付信息)(Manual gateway (just collects order & payment information for offline processing))
6.8 Authorize.NET
6.9 谷歌結帳(Google Checkout)
6.10 PayPal結帳(PayPal Checkout)
6.11 Moneybookers結帳
7.1 允許客戶通過電子郵件或用戶名注冊/登錄(Allow customers to register/login by email or by username)
7.2 商品收藏夾功能(Wish list)
7.3 用戶可查看自己的訂單歷史和訂單狀態(Customers can view their order history and order statuses)
7.4 用戶常用地址管理(Customer has an address book)
7.5 可定制的訂單郵件(Customizable Order Emails)
7.6 每個用戶有多種付款方式和配送地址(Multiple billing and shipping addresses per customer)
7.7 支持用戶角色或用戶組(Customer roles (groups))
7.8 支持時區(Time zone support)
7.9 論壇功能 (Built-in forum)
7.10 忘記密碼(Password recovery)
7.11 多賬戶注冊和激活(Several account registration/activation types)
7.12 記住密碼,自動登錄(Automatic registration (no approving))
7.13 注冊郵件驗證(Email validation during registration)
7.14 發送郵件給朋友("Email a friend" feature)
7.15 比較商品功能(Compare product feature (if enabled))
7.16 新聞RSS訂閱(News RSS)
7.17 最新商品RSS訂閱(Recently added products RSS.)
7.18 聯系我們(Contact Us form)
這麼多功能,看了都頭暈,但這是一個電子商務網站所必須的。如果我們自己一個個去開發,重復的輪子不知道要浪費掉大家寶貴的生命多久,所以我們先研究好Nopcommerce的所有功能先,這也是要做NopCommerce二次開發的朋友所必須要知道的,先到這吧,go on !