Function kdcx(kd, orderid) Dim Err, url, kdtime, link, Errcode, Status Select Case kd '此處支持的快遞公司很多的 Case "申通" kd = "shentong" Case "圓通" kd = "yuantong" Case "優速" kd = "yousu" Case "龍邦" kd = "longbang" Case "城市" kd = "cs" Case Else MsgBox "暫時不支持此快遞,可以聯系管理員添加!" kdcx = "暫時不支持此快遞" Exit Function End Select Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") url = "" & orderid & "&id=" & kd & "&ord=desc&show=xml" http.Open "get", url, False http.send WebContent = http.responsetext 'MsgBox WebContent Set objDom = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDom") objDom.async = False objDom.LoadXML (WebContent) If objDom.ReadyState > 2 Then Set Item = objDom.getElementsByTagName("SyncResponseEntity") '讀取頁面上指定區域 For i = 0 To (Item.Length - 1) Status = Item.Item(i).getElementsByTagName("status").Item(0).Text If Status = 1 Then kdcx = Status Exit For End If Errcode = Item.Item(i).getElementsByTagName("errcode").Item(0).Text ' kdtime = Item.Item(i).getElementsByTagName("time").Item(0).Text 'link = Item.Item(i).getElementsByTagName("content").Item(0).Text Next Else MsgBox "查詢數據還未准備就緒。狀態:" & objDom.ReadyState & "。" End If Set http = Nothing Set objDom = Nothing Select Case Errcode Case "0000" Err = "無錯誤" Case "0001" Err = "傳輸參數格式有誤" Case "0002" Err = "用戶編號(uid)無效" Case "0003" Err = "用戶被禁用" Case "0004" Err = "授權key無效" Case "0005" Err = "快遞代號(id)無效" Case "0006" Err = "訪問次數達到最大額度" Case "0007" Err = "查詢服務器返回錯誤" Case Else Err = "查詢出現未知錯誤" End Select Select Case Status Case "-1" Status = "未更新的單號" Case "0" Status = "查詢異常" Case "1" Status = "暫無記錄" Case "2" Status = "在途中" Case "3" Status = "派送中" Case "4" Status = "已簽收" Case "5" Status = "拒簽收" Case "6" Status = "疑難件" Case "7" Status = "無效單" Case "8" Status = "超時單" Case "9" Status = "簽收失敗" Case Else Status = "快遞狀態未知情況" End Select kdcx = Status End Function Sub deletebutton() '刪除工具欄和菜單的子程序 Dim tempbar As CommandBar '定義臨時工具欄變量 On Error Resume Next '該語句用於忽略錯誤 Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Reset '重新設置Word XP的主菜單,即刪除新建的菜單 For Each tempbar In Application.CommandBars '通過“For Each…Next”語句遍歷Word XP所有的工具欄 If tempbar.Name = "快遞查詢" Then '如名稱和新建的工具欄相同 tempbar.Visible = False '設置為不可視 tempbar.Delete '刪除該工具欄 End If Next End Sub Sub addbutton() '創建工具欄和菜單並設置屬性的子程序 Call deletebutton '調用刪除工具欄和菜單的子程序 Set Obj_Toolbar = Application.CommandBars.Add("快遞查詢") '新建工具欄,“快遞查詢”代表工具欄的名稱 Set Obj_Toolbar_button = Obj_Toolbar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1) '新建工具欄按鈕 With Obj_Toolbar_button '設置按鈕的屬性 .Caption = "查詢快遞狀態" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 1018 .OnAction = "s123" End With With Obj_Toolbar '設置工具欄的屬性 .Visible = True '工具欄可視 .Enabled = True '工具欄可用 .Position = msoBarTop '工具欄置頂 End With End Sub Private Sub s123() ' Call yyy lstRo = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row istart = InputBox("請你輸入你想查詢的開始行號", "開始行號", "2") If istart = "" Then Exit Sub iend = InputBox("請你輸入你想查詢的結束行號", "結束行號", lstRo) If iend = "" Then Exit Sub With Cells(1, 11) .Value = "快遞狀態" .Font.Bold = True .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter '水平居中 .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter '垂直居中 End With For Ro = istart To iend If Cells(Ro, 9) <> "" And Cells(Ro, 10) <> "" Then Cells(Ro, 11).Value = kdcx(Cells(Ro, 9), Cells(Ro, 10)) End If Next Ro MsgBox "查詢已經完畢!" End Sub
參數名稱 類型 是否必需 描述 key string 是 授權密鑰,點擊此處 [ 快遞API接口申請入口 ] 即可申請 order string 是 快遞單號,請注意區分大小寫 id string 是 快遞代號,如:圓通(yuantong)、申通(shentong),點擊此處 [ 查看完整快遞代號 ] ord string 可選 排序規則: