這個插件可以方便得讓您在Notepad++編輯器中編輯和執行C#代碼(腳本)。它具備通用的C#智能感知和項目任務管理功能,方式非常類似於MS Visual Studio。除了這一點,它提供了通用的調試功能(帶集成的托管調試器),以及c#編寫腳本的部署包(腳本+引擎或獨立可執行文件)的能力。
- Intellisense
- CLR type members auto-complete (Ctrl+Space or type '.')
- Add missing 'using' (Ctrl+.)
- Show CLR type quick info. (Hover mouse over the type member)
- Show Method Overloads popup. (F6 or type '(')
- Go to definition (F12)
- in the source code
- in the reconstructed referenced assembly API interface (including XML documentation)
- Smart Indentation
- Formatting C# source code
- CodeMap - panel with the class members of the current .cs document
- Based on 'plain vanilla' ECMA-compliant C# code
- Inclusion of the dependency scripts via CS-Script directives
- Implicit assembly referencing via automatic resolving namesspaces into assemblies
- Explicit assembly referencing via CS-Script directives
- Debug output interception
- Console output interception
- Conventional build/execution error reporting
- Debugging
- Step Over
- Step In
- Step Out
- Set Next Statement
- Toggle breakpoint
- 'Call Stack'
- 'Locals'
- Preparing the script deployment package so it can be executed outside of Notepad++.