一個事件可以有多個訂戶。 一個訂戶可處理來自多個發行者的多個事件。
如果一個事件有多個訂戶,當引發該事件時,會同步調用多個事件處理程序。 要異步調用事件,請參見使用異步方式調用同步方法。
在 .NET Framework 類庫中,事件是基於 EventHandler 委托和 EventArgs 基類的。
class Publish { public event EventHandler eventName; //declare event named eventName public void inspireEvent() // inspire the event { onEventName(new EventArgs()); } public void onEventName(EventArgs e) // will use the scriber's method to reply the event { EventHandler handle = eventName; if (handle != null) { handle(this,e); } } }
class Scriber { public Scriber(Publish pb) { pb.eventName += howDo; // scribe the event } public void howDo(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("what a fuck day it is"); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Publish ph = new Publish(); Scriber sb = new Scriber(ph); ph.inspireEvent(); //motivate the event } }
EventHandler handle = eventBase; eventBase(obj,e);只能出現 eventBase+=,eventBase-=。
class BaseEvent { public event EventHandler baseEvent; public virtual void draw() { Console.WriteLine("This is in base draw"); } public virtual void onDraw(EventArgs e) { EventHandler handle = baseEvent; if (handle != null) { handle(this ,e); } Console.WriteLine("this is in base on"); } }
class Derived : BaseEvent { public override void draw() { //base.draw(); Console.WriteLine("this is in derived class"); } public override void onDraw(EventArgs e) { //EventHandler handle = baseEvent; //baseEvent(this, e); base.onDraw(e); } public void motivateDraw() { onDraw(new EventArgs()); } }
class Scribe { public Scribe(Derived dr) { dr.baseEvent += Motive; } public void Motive(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("what a fuck day"); } }
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Derived D = new Derived(); BaseEvent B = new BaseEvent(); Scribe Sb = new Scribe(D); D.motivateDraw(); } }
namespace ConsoleApplication16InterfaceEvent { interface Iface { event EventHandler faceEvent; } interface Ifoot { event EventHandler footEvent; } interface Ihand { event EventHandler footEvent; } class InterEvent : Iface,Ifoot,Ihand { public event EventHandler faceEvent; //public event EventHandler footEvent; public event EventHandler preFootEvent; public event EventHandler nexHandEvent; Object objectLock = new Object(); event EventHandler Ifoot.footEvent { add { lock (objectLock) { preFootEvent += value; } } remove { lock (objectLock) { preFootEvent -= value; } } } event EventHandler Ihand.footEvent { add { lock (objectLock) { nexHandEvent += value; } } remove { lock (objectLock) { nexHandEvent -= value; } } } public void finger() { EventHandler handle = preFootEvent; if ( handle != null) preFootEvent(this,new EventArgs()); handle = nexHandEvent; if (handle != null) nexHandEvent(this,new EventArgs()); } } }
//............... namespace ConsoleApplication16InterfaceEvent { class Scribe { public Scribe(InterEvent Et) { Ifoot foot = (Ifoot)Et; foot.footEvent += draw1; Ihand hand = (Ihand)Et; hand.footEvent += draw2; } void draw1(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("this is in Scribe draw1"); } void draw2(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("this is in Scribe draw2"); } } }
//.................. namespace ConsoleApplication16InterfaceEvent { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { InterEvent EI = new InterEvent(); Scribe Sb = new Scribe(EI); EI.finger(); } } }