namespace refConsoleApp
class MyRefClass
static void MyRefMethod(ref int i)
int i=20;
static void main(string[] args)
int value; //not initialized the value;
MyRefMethod(ref value);
Console.WriteLine("The value is {0}",value);
namespace multi_outConsoleApp
class MyMultipleoutClass
static void MyMultipleMethod(out int i, out string str1, out string str2)
i = 20;
str1 = "I was born";
str2 = "zhaoqing";
static void Main(string[] args)
int value;
string s1, s2;
MyMultipleMethod(out value,out s1,out s2);
Console.WriteLine("The integer value is {0} The first string value is {1} The second string value is {2}", value, s1, s2);
The integer value is 20
The first string value is I was born
The second string value is zhaoqing
4. 如果一個方法使用ref引用參數,另一個方法使用out引用參數,則這兩個相同方法名的函數不能重載,否則出現編譯錯誤,以下例子出現: " cannot define overloaded methods that differ only on ref and out "
namespace overloadofConsoleApp
class overloadofclass
static void MyMethod(ref int i)
i = 20;
static void MyMethod(out int i)
i = 40;
static void Main(string[] args)
int refvalue=0;
MyMethod(ref refvalue);
Console.WriteLine("The value is {0}", refvalue);