Download firebird下:
。Can I use a relative path to the database in the connection string?
Yes. It can be relative to the working directory.
。How many concurrent connections can you open using the embedded Firebird?
It's not limited. However, only one application can open a database at a time. The application can be a regular Firebird
server or your application using the fbembed.dll.
。What files are required to use the embedded Firebird?
The following files are required:
·fbembed.dll (the embedded Firebird itself)
·FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird.dll (the Firebird ADO.NET Provider assembly)
The following files are recommended:
·firebird.msg (friendly error messages)
The following files are optional:
。Where should I put the embedded Firebird files in my application?
Put them in the working folder of your application. Typically it will be the directory where your .exe file lies.