 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> .NET網頁編程 >> C# >> C#入門知識 >> 基於ArcGIS10.0和Oracle10g的空間數據管理平台十七(C#開發)-空間數據編輯(下)





 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 根據選擇編輯任務的不同顯示不同形狀的鼠標,以便指示相應任務方便編輯操作 
 3 /// </summary> 
 4 /// <param name="sender"></param> 
 5 /// <param name="e"></param> 
 6         private void cboTasks_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 7         { 
 8             // Restate  
 9             m_MapControl.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerDefault; 
10             m_bEditingFtr = false; 
11             m_bSketching = false; 
12             m_bSelecting = false; 
13             m_bMove = false; 
15             // Select an operation and mouse pointer depending on the user choice  
16             switch (cboTasks.SelectedIndex) 
17             { 
18                 case 0: 
19                     // Do Nothing - the tool has already been reset  
20                     break; 
21                 case 1: 
22                     m_MapControl.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerCrosshair; 
23                     m_bEditingFtr = true; 
24                     break; 
25                 case 2: 
26                     m_MapControl.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerPencil; 
27                     m_bSketching = true; 
28                     break; 
29                 case 3: 
30                     m_MapControl.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerCrosshair; 
31                     m_bSelecting = true; 
32                     break; 
33                 case 4: 
34                     m_MapControl.MousePointer = esriControlsMousePointer.esriPointerHand; 
35                     m_bMove = true; 
36                     break; 
37             }  
39         } 

1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 選擇需要的圖層並且在地圖編輯控件中顯示出來 
 3 /// </summary> 
 4 /// <param name="sender"></param> 
 5 /// <param name="e"></param> 
 6         private void cboLayers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
 7         { 
 8             if (m_pMap == null) 
 9             { 
10                 return; 
11             } 
13             // Clear any existing selection  
14             m_pMap.ClearSelection(); 
15             IActiveView ipActiveView; 
16             ipActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
17             ipActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null); 
19             String strLayerName = cboLayers.SelectedItem.ToString(); 
20             axMapControl1.Map.ClearLayers(); 
21             AddLayerToMapCtl(strLayerName, true); 
22             m_pCurrentLayer = m_pMap.get_Layer(0); 
24             SetControlStates(); 
25         } 

1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 測試是否擊中地圖對象或地圖對象上的節點 
 3 /// </summary> 
 4 /// <param name="tolerance">查詢容差</param> 
 5 /// <param name="pPoint">點擊位置</param> 
 6 /// <param name="pFeature">測試對象</param> 
 7 /// <param name="pHitPoint">查詢目標點</param> 
 8 /// <param name="hitDist">目標點與點擊點距離</param> 
 9 /// <param name="partIndex">節索引</param> 
10 /// <param name="vertexIndex">點索引</param> 
11 /// <param name="vertexHit">是否擊中點</param> 
12 /// <returns>是否擊中測試對象</returns> 
13         private bool TestGeometryHit(double tolerance, IPoint pPoint, IFeature pFeature,  
14             ref IPoint pHitPoint, ref double hitDist, ref int partIndex, ref int vertexIndex,  
15             ref int vertexOffset, ref bool vertexHit) 
16         { 
17             // Function returns true if a feature's shape is hit and further defines  
18 // if a vertex lies within the tolorance  
19             bool bRetVal = false; 
20             IGeometry pGeom = (IGeometry)pFeature.Shape; 
22             IHitTest pHitTest = (IHitTest)pGeom; 
23             pHitPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point(); 
24             bool bTrue = true; 
25             // First check if a vertex was hit  
26 // 檢查節點是否被擊中 
27             if (pHitTest.HitTest(pPoint, tolerance, esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartVertex,  
28                 pHitPoint, ref hitDist, ref partIndex, ref vertexIndex, ref bTrue)) 
29             { 
30                 bRetVal = true; 
31                 vertexHit = true; 
32             } 
33             // Secondly check if a boundary was hit  
34 // 檢邊界是否被擊中 
35             else if (pHitTest.HitTest(pPoint, tolerance,  esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartBoundary, 
36                 pHitPoint, ref hitDist, ref partIndex, ref vertexIndex, ref bTrue)) 
37             { 
38                 bRetVal = true; 
39                 vertexHit = false; 
40             } 
42             // Calculate offset to vertexIndex for multipatch geometries  
43             if (partIndex > 0) 
44             { 
45                 IGeometryCollection pGeomColn = (IGeometryCollection)pGeom; 
46                 vertexOffset = 0; 
47                 for (int i = 0; i < partIndex; i++) 
48                 { 
49                     IPointCollection pPointColn = (IPointCollection)pGeomColn.get_Geometry(i); 
50                     vertexOffset = vertexOffset + pPointColn.PointCount; 
51                 } 
52             } 
54             return bRetVal; 
55         } 

1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 向圖層中更新新的地圖對象,並使之處於選中狀態 
 3 /// </summary> 
 4 /// <param name="pFeature"></param> 
 5 /// <param name="pGeometry"></param> 
 6         private void UpdateFeature(IFeature pFeature, IGeometry pGeometry) 
 7         { 
 8             // Make sure we are actually editing this layer. If not give a warning.  
 9             IDataset pDataset = (IDataset)pFeature.Class; 
10             IWorkspaceEdit pWorkspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)pDataset.Workspace; 
11             if (!pWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()) 
12             { 
13                 System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This feature is in a layer not in edit mode. \nEdit cannot be made.Start edit and try again.", 
14                     "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); 
15             } 
17             // If all tests succeed allow feature edits to be saved  
18             pWorkspaceEdit.StartEditOperation(); 
19             pFeature.Shape = pGeometry; 
20             pFeature.Store(); 
21             pWorkspaceEdit.StopEditOperation(); 
22         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 屏幕坐標轉換為地圖坐標 
 3 /// </summary> 
 4 /// <param name="pActiveView">地圖</param> 
 5 /// <param name="pixelUnits">屏幕坐標</param> 
 6 /// <returns>地圖坐標</returns> 
 7         private double ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(IActiveView pActiveView, double pixelUnits) 
 8         { 
 9             // Uses the ratio of the size of the map in pixels to map units to do the conversion  
10             IPoint p1 = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds.UpperLeft; 
11             IPoint p2 = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds.UpperRight; 
12             int x1, x2, y1, y2; 
13             pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.FromMapPoint(p1, out x1, out y1); 
14             pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.FromMapPoint(p2, out x2, out y2); 
15             double pixelExtent = x2 - x1; 
16             double realWorldDisplayExtent = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.VisibleBounds.Width; 
17             double sizeOfOnePixel = realWorldDisplayExtent / pixelExtent; 
18             return pixelUnits * sizeOfOnePixel; 
19         } 

1         private void axMapControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseDownEvent e) 
 2         { 
 3             //首先判斷當前用戶選擇了何種任務,並去完成相應的任務;如果沒有選擇任何任務, 
 4 //即cboTasks的選項為沒有任務時,該事件處理程序用於放大、縮小地圖,鼠標左鍵 
 5 //用於放大,其他鍵用於縮小 
 6             m_pMap.ClearSelection();//清除地圖中已選的要素 
 8             if (m_bSketching) 
 9             { 
10                 //新建要素任務處理 
11                 SketchMouseDown(e.x, e.y); 
12             } 
13             else if (m_bSelecting) 
14             { 
15                 //選擇要素任務處理 
16                 SelectMouseDown(e.x, e.y); 
17             } 
18             else if (m_bEditingFtr) 
19             { 
20                 //編輯要素任務處理 
21                 EditFeature(e.x, e.y); 
22             } 
23             else if (m_bMove) 
24             { 
25                 //移動要素 
26                 MoveFeatureMouseDown(e.x, e.y); 
27             } 
28             else 
29             { 
30                 // Zoom in/out depending on which button was pressed  
31                 IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
32                 IEnvelope pEnvelope = pActiveView.Extent; 
33                 ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point pnt = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point(); 
34                 IPoint iPnt = pnt; 
35                 iPnt.X = e.mapX; 
36                 iPnt.Y = e.mapY; 
37                 pEnvelope.CenterAt(iPnt); 
38                 if (e.button == 1) // left button  
39                 { 
40                     //放大視圖 
41                     pEnvelope.Expand(0.5, 0.5, true); 
42                 } 
43                 else 
44                 { 
45                     //縮小視圖 
46                     pEnvelope.Expand(2, 2, true); 
47                 } 
48                 pActiveView.Extent = pEnvelope; 
49                 pActiveView.Refresh(); 
50             }  
52         } 

 1         private void axMapControl1_OnMouseMove(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseMoveEvent e) 
 2         { 
 3             if (m_bSketching) 
 4             { 
 5                 //新建要素任務處理 
 6                 SketchMouseMove(e.x, e.y); 
 7             } 
 8             else if (m_bEditingFtr) 
 9             { 
10                 //編輯要素任務處理 
11                 FtrEditMouseMove(e.x, e.y); 
12             } 
13             else if (m_bMove) 
14             { 
15                 //移動要素任務處理 
16                 MoveFeatureMouseMove(e.x, e.y); 
17             } 
19         } 

 1         private void axMapControl1_OnMouseUp(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseUpEvent e) 
 2         { 
 3             if (m_bEditingFtr) 
 4             { 
 5                 //結束編輯任務 
 6                 EndFtrEdit(e.x, e.y); 
 7             } 
 8             else if (m_bMove) 
 9             { 
10                 //結束移動要素任務 
11                 MoveFeatureEnd(); 
12             } 
14         } 
9.新建對象方法:當前圖層為點圖層時,每調用一次就新點一個點對象,當前圖層為線圖層或面圖層時,第一次調用開始新建對象,並添加當前點,以後每調用一次,即向新對象中添加一個點,調用NewFeatureEnd方法完成對象創建 。

1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 新建對象方法 
 3 /// 當前圖層為點圖層時,每調用一次就新點一個點對象 
 4 /// 當前圖層為線圖層或面圖層時,第一次調用開始新建對象,並添加當前點, 
 5 /// 以後每調用一次,即向新對象中添加一個點,調用NewFeatureEnd方法完成對象創建 
 6 /// 在Map.MouseDown事件中調用本方法 
 7 /// </summary> 
 8 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 9 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
10         private void SketchMouseDown(int x, int y) 
11         { 
12             // Starts a new sketch or adds a point to an existing one, of a type  
13 // determined by the current layer selected in the layers combo.  
15 // Can only sketch on GeoFeature layers  
16             if (m_pCurrentLayer == null) 
17             { 
18                 return; 
19             } 
20             if ((IGeoFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer == null) 
21             { 
22                 return; 
23             } 
25             // Get the mouse down point in map coordinates  
26             IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer; 
27             if (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass == null) 
28             { 
29                 return; 
30             } 
31             IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
32             IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
34             // if (this is a fresh sketch) create an appropriate feedback object,  
35 // otherwise extent the existing feedback  
36 // 如果是新開始創建的對象,則相應的創建一個新的Feedback對象; 
37 // 否則,向已存在的Feedback對象中加點 
38             if (!m_bInUse) 
39             { 
40                 m_pMap.ClearSelection();  //清除地圖選中對象 
41                 switch (pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType) 
42                 { 
43                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint: 
44                         CreateFeature(pPoint); 
45                         break; 
46                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint: 
47                         m_bInUse = true; 
48                         m_pFeedback = new NewMultiPointFeedback(); 
49                         INewMultiPointFeedback pMPFeed = (INewMultiPointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
50                         m_pPointCollection = new Multipoint(); 
51                         pMPFeed.Start(m_pPointCollection, pPoint); 
52                         break; 
53                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline: 
54                         m_bInUse = true; 
55                         m_pFeedback = new NewLineFeedback(); 
56                         INewLineFeedback pLineFeed = (INewLineFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
57                         pLineFeed.Start(pPoint); 
58                         break; 
59                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon: 
60                         m_bInUse = true; 
61                         m_pFeedback = new NewPolygonFeedback(); 
62                         INewPolygonFeedback pPolyFeed = (INewPolygonFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
63                         pPolyFeed.Start(pPoint); 
64                         break; 
65                 } 
66                 if (m_pFeedback != null) 
67                 { 
68                     m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
69                 } 
70             } 
71             else 
72             { 
73                 if (m_pFeedback is INewMultiPointFeedback) 
74                 { 
75                     object Missing = Type.Missing; 
76                     m_pPointCollection.AddPoint(pPoint, ref Missing, ref Missing); 
77                 } 
78                 else if (m_pFeedback is INewLineFeedback) 
79                 { 
80                     INewLineFeedback pLineFeed = (INewLineFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
81                     pLineFeed.AddPoint(pPoint); 
82                 } 
83                 else if (m_pFeedback is INewPolygonFeedback) 
84                 { 
85                     INewPolygonFeedback pPolyFeed = (INewPolygonFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
86                     pPolyFeed.AddPoint(pPoint); 
87                 } 
88             } 
89         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 新建對象過程中鼠標移動方法,產生Track效果 
 3 /// 在Map.MouseMove事件中調用本方法 
 4 /// </summary> 
 5 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 6 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 7         private void SketchMouseMove(int x, int y) 
 8         { 
 9             if (!m_bInUse || m_pFeedback == null) 
10             { 
11                 return; 
12             } 
14             // Move the feedback envelope and store the current mouse position  
15             IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
16             m_pFeedback.MoveTo(pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y)); 
17             m_pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
18         } 
11.完成新建對象,取得繪制的對象,並添加到圖層中 :建議在Map.DblClick或Map.MouseDown(Button = 2)事件中調用本方法

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 完成新建對象,取得繪制的對象,並添加到圖層中 
 3 /// 建議在Map.DblClick或Map.MouseDown(Button = 2)事件中調用本方法 
 4 /// </summary> 
 5         private void EndSketch() 
 6         { 
 7             IGeometry pGeom = null; 
 8             IPointCollection pPointCollection = null; 
10             // Create a new feature if possible  
11             if (m_pFeedback is INewMultiPointFeedback) 
12             { 
13                 INewMultiPointFeedback pMPFeed = (INewMultiPointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
14                 pMPFeed.Stop(); 
15                 pGeom = (IGeometry)m_pPointCollection; 
16             } 
17             else if (m_pFeedback is INewLineFeedback) 
18             { 
19                 INewLineFeedback pLineFeed = (INewLineFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
20                 pLineFeed.AddPoint(m_pPoint); 
21                 IPolyline pPolyLine = pLineFeed.Stop(); 
22                 pPointCollection = (IPointCollection)pPolyLine; 
23                 if (pPointCollection.PointCount < 2) 
24                     MessageBox.Show("至少輸入兩個節點.", "錯誤的線幾何對象", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); 
25                 else 
26                     pGeom = (IGeometry)pPointCollection; 
27             } 
28             else if (m_pFeedback is INewPolygonFeedback) 
29             { 
30                 INewPolygonFeedback pPolyFeed = (INewPolygonFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
31                 pPolyFeed.AddPoint(m_pPoint); 
32                 IPolygon pPolygon = pPolyFeed.Stop(); 
33                 if (pPolygon != null) 
34                     pPointCollection = (IPointCollection)pPolygon; 
35                 if (pPointCollection.PointCount < 3) 
36                     MessageBox.Show("至少輸入三個節點.", "錯誤的線幾何對象", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); 
37                 else 
38                     pGeom = (IGeometry)pPointCollection; 
39             } 
40             CreateFeature(pGeom); 
41             m_pFeedback = null; 
42             m_bInUse = false; 
43         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 查詢當前圖層中鼠標位置處的地圖對象 
 3 /// 建議在Map.MouseDown事件中調用本方法 
 4 /// </summary> 
 5 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 6 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 7         private void SelectMouseDown(int x, int y) 
 8         { 
 9             // Searches the map for features at the given point in the current layer  
10 // and selects them  
12             m_pMap.ClearSelection();//清除地圖中已選的要素 
13             if (m_pCurrentLayer == null) 
14             { 
15                 return; 
16             } 
18             if ((IGeoFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer == null) 
19             { 
20                 return; 
21             } 
23             // Get the feature layer and class of the current layer  
24             IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_pCurrentLayer; 
25             IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass; 
26             if (pFeatureClass == null) 
27             { 
28                 return; 
29             } 
31             // Get the mouse down position in map coordinates  
32             IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
33             IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
34             IGeometry pGeometry = pPoint; 
36             // Use a four pixel buffer around the cursor for feature search  
37 // 設置查詢緩沖區 
38             double length = ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(pActiveView, 4); 
39             ITopologicalOperator pTopo = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeometry; 
40             IGeometry pBuffer = pTopo.Buffer(length); 
41             pGeometry = (IGeometry)pBuffer.Envelope; 
43             // up a Filter specific to this layer   
44 //設置過濾器對象 
45             ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilter(); 
46             pSpatialFilter.Geometry = pGeometry; 
47             switch (pFeatureClass.ShapeType) 
48             { 
49                 case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint: 
50                     pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelContains; 
51                     break; 
52                 case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline: 
53                     pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelCrosses; 
54                     break; 
55                 case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon: 
56                     pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects; 
57                     break; 
58             } 
59             pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = pFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName; 
60             IQueryFilter pFilter = pSpatialFilter; 
62             // Do the search  
63 // 查詢 
64             IFeatureCursor pCursor = pFeatureLayer.Search(pFilter, false); 
66             // and select the features on the map  
67 // 在地圖上高亮顯示查詢結果 
68             IFeature pFeature = pCursor.NextFeature(); 
69             while (pFeature != null) 
70             { 
71                 m_pMap.SelectFeature(m_pCurrentLayer, pFeature); 
72                 pFeature = pCursor.NextFeature(); 
73             } 
74             pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeoSelection, null, null); 
75         } 
13.編輯當前圖層中鼠標擊中的地圖對象(開始編輯), 如果為點對象,可進行位置移動,如果為線對象或面對象,可進行節點編輯 : 建議在Map.MouseDown事件中調用本方法

  1         /// <summary> 
  2 /// 編輯當前圖層中鼠標擊中的地圖對象(開始編輯), 
  3 /// 如果為點對象,可進行位置移動,如果為線對象或面對象,可進行節點編輯 
  4 /// 建議在Map.MouseDown事件中調用本方法 
  5 /// </summary> 
  6 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
  7 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
  8 /// <returns></returns> 
  9         private void EditFeature(int x, int y) 
 10         { 
 11             // Searches for features under the coordinate provided and starts an edit  
 12 // operation on the first one found.  
 13             IPoint pHitPoint = null; 
 14             double hitDist = 0; 
 15             int partIndex = 0; 
 16             int vertexIndex = 0; 
 17             int vertexOffset = 0; 
 18             bool vertex = false; 
 20             // Use the first feature in the selection  
 21 // 取得鼠標擊中的第一個對象 
 22             SelectMouseDown(x, y); 
 23             IEnumFeature pSelected = (IEnumFeature)m_pMap.FeatureSelection; 
 24             IFeature pFeature = pSelected.Next(); 
 25             if (pFeature == null) 
 26             { 
 27                 return; 
 28             } 
 30             IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
 31             IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
 33             // Tolerance in pixels for line hits  
 34 // 節點空間查詢容差 
 35             double tol = ConvertPixelsToMapUnits(pActiveView, 4); 
 37             // The feedback action / edit action depends on the geometry type  
 38 // and the location of point within the geometry  
 39             IGeometry pGeom = pFeature.Shape; 
 40             IObjectClass pObjectClass = pFeature.Class; 
 41             m_pEditFeature = pFeature; 
 43             switch (pGeom.GeometryType) 
 44             { 
 45                 case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint: 
 46                     m_pFeedback = new MovePointFeedback(); 
 47                     m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
 48                     IMovePointFeedback pPointMove = (IMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
 49                     pPointMove.Start((IPoint)pGeom, pPoint); 
 50                     break; 
 52                 case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline: 
 53                     if (TestGeometryHit(tol, pPoint, pFeature, ref pHitPoint, ref hitDist, 
 54                         ref partIndex, ref vertexIndex, ref vertexOffset, ref vertex)) 
 55                     { 
 56                         if (!vertex) 
 57                         { 
 58                             // Get the path, add a point to it and vertex edit that newly added point  
 59                             IGeometryCollection pGeomColn = (IGeometryCollection)pGeom; 
 60                             IPath pPath = (IPath)pGeomColn.get_Geometry(partIndex); 
 61                             IPointCollection pPointColn = (IPointCollection)pPath; 
 62                             long numVertices = pPointColn.PointCount; 
 64                             object Missing = Type.Missing; 
 65                             object val; 
 66                             if (vertexIndex == 0) 
 67                             { 
 68                                 val = 1; 
 69                                 pPointColn.AddPoint(pPoint, ref val, ref Missing); 
 70                             } 
 71                             else 
 72                             { 
 73                                 val = vertexIndex; 
 74                                 pPointColn.AddPoint(pPoint, ref Missing, ref val); 
 75                             } 
 77                             // Reset the index pointer to the new index  
 78                             TestGeometryHit(tol, pPoint, pFeature, ref pHitPoint, ref hitDist, ref partIndex, ref vertexIndex, ref vertexOffset, ref vertex); 
 79                         } 
 80                         m_pFeedback = new LineMovePointFeedback(); 
 81                         m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
 82                         ILineMovePointFeedback pLineMove = (ILineMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
 83                         pLineMove.Start((IPolyline)pGeom, vertexIndex, pPoint); 
 84                     } 
 85                     else 
 86                     { 
 87                         return; 
 88                     } 
 89                     // 
 90                     break; 
 92                 case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon: 
 93                     if (TestGeometryHit(tol, pPoint, pFeature, ref pHitPoint, ref hitDist, 
 94                         ref partIndex, ref vertexIndex, ref vertexOffset, ref vertex)) 
 95                     { 
 96                         if (!vertex) 
 97                         { 
 98                             // Get the path, add a point to it and vertex edit that newly added point  
 99                             IGeometryCollection pGeomColn = (IGeometryCollection)pGeom; 
100                             IPath pPath = (IPath)pGeomColn.get_Geometry(partIndex); 
101                             IPointCollection pPointColn = (IPointCollection)pPath; 
102                             long numVertices = pPointColn.PointCount; 
104                             // Rethe index pointer to the new index  
105                             object Missing = Type.Missing; 
106                             object val; 
107                             if (vertexIndex == 0) 
108                             { 
109                                 val = 1; 
110                                 pPointColn.AddPoint(pPoint, ref val, ref Missing); 
111                             } 
112                             else 
113                             { 
114                                 val = vertexIndex; 
115                                 pPointColn.AddPoint(pPoint, ref Missing, ref val); 
116                             } 
118                             // Reset the index pointer to the new index  
119                             TestGeometryHit(tol, pPoint, pFeature, ref pHitPoint, ref hitDist, ref partIndex, ref vertexIndex, ref vertexOffset, ref vertex); 
120                         } 
121                         m_pFeedback = new PolygonMovePointFeedback(); 
122                         m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
123                         IPolygonMovePointFeedback pPolyMove = (IPolygonMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
124                         pPolyMove.Start((IPolygon)pGeom, vertexIndex + vertexOffset, pPoint); 
125                     } 
126                     else 
127                         return; 
128                     break; 
129             } 
131             return; 
132         } 
14.編輯地圖對象過程中的鼠標移動事件, 如果為點對象,進行位置移動;如果為線對象或面對象,進行節點移動:建議在Map.MouseMove事件中調用本方法

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 編輯地圖對象過程中的鼠標移動事件, 
 3 /// 如果為點對象,進行位置移動 
 4 /// 如果為線對象或面對象,進行節點移動 
 5 /// 建議在Map.MouseMove事件中調用本方法 
 6 /// </summary> 
 7 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 8 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 9         private void FtrEditMouseMove(int x, int y) 
10         { 
11             // Moves the edit feedback object along with the mouse.  
12             if (m_pFeedback == null) 
13             { 
14                 return; 
15             } 
17             IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
18             IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
19             m_pFeedback.MoveTo(pPoint); 
20         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 結束feature的編輯 
 3 /// </summary> 
 4 /// <param name="x"></param> 
 5 /// <param name="y"></param> 
 6         private void EndFtrEdit(int x, int y) 
 7         { 
 8             // Uses the feedback object//s geometry to rethe geometry on the feature  
 9 // being edited.  
11 // if (no feedback no edit  
12             if (m_pFeedback == null) 
13             { 
14                 return; 
15             } 
17             IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
18             IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
20             if (m_pFeedback is IMovePointFeedback) 
21             { 
22                 IMovePointFeedback pPointMove = (IMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
23                 IGeometry pGeometry = pPointMove.Stop(); 
24                 UpdateFeature(m_pEditFeature, pGeometry); 
25             } 
26             else if (m_pFeedback is ILineMovePointFeedback) 
27             { 
28                 ILineMovePointFeedback pLineMove = (ILineMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
29                 IGeometry pGeometry = pLineMove.Stop(); 
30                 UpdateFeature(m_pEditFeature, pGeometry); 
31             } 
32             else if (m_pFeedback is IPolygonMovePointFeedback) 
33             { 
34                 IPolygonMovePointFeedback pPolyMove = (IPolygonMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
35                 IGeometry pGeometry = pPolyMove.Stop(); 
36                 UpdateFeature(m_pEditFeature, pGeometry); 
37             } 
39             m_pFeedback = null; 
40             pActiveView.Refresh(); 
41         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 移動當前圖層中鼠標擊中地圖對象的位置(開始移動) 
 3 /// 建議在Map.MouseDown事件中調用本方法 
 4 /// </summary> 
 5 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 6 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 7 /// <returns></returns> 
 8         public bool MoveFeatureMouseDown(int x, int y) 
 9         { 
10             try 
11             { 
12                 m_pMap.ClearSelection(); 
14                 SelectMouseDown(x, y); 
15                 IEnumFeature pSelected = (IEnumFeature)m_pMap.FeatureSelection; 
16                 IFeature pFeature = pSelected.Next(); 
17                 if (pFeature == null) return false; 
19                 IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
20                 IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
22                 IGeometry pGeom = pFeature.Shape; 
23                 m_pEditFeature = pFeature; 
25                 switch (pGeom.GeometryType) 
26                 { 
27                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint: 
28                         m_pFeedback = new MovePointFeedbackClass(); 
29                         m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
30                         IMovePointFeedback pPointMove = (IMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
31                         pPointMove.Start((IPoint)pGeom, pPoint); 
32                         break; 
33                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline: 
35                         m_pFeedback = new MoveLineFeedbackClass(); 
36                         m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
37                         IMoveLineFeedback pLineMove = (IMoveLineFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
38                         pLineMove.Start((IPolyline)pGeom, pPoint); 
39                         break; 
40                     case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon: 
41                         m_pFeedback = new MovePolygonFeedbackClass(); 
42                         m_pFeedback.Display = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay; 
43                         IMovePolygonFeedback pPolyMove = (IMovePolygonFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
44                         pPolyMove.Start((IPolygon)pGeom, pPoint); 
45                         break; 
46                 } 
47                 return true; 
48             } 
49             catch (Exception e) 
50             { 
51                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); 
52                 return false; 
53             } 
54         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 移動地圖對象過程中的鼠標移動事件 
 3 /// 建議在Map.MouseMove事件中調用本方法 
 4 /// </summary> 
 5 /// <param name="x">鼠標X坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 6 /// <param name="y">鼠標Y坐標,屏幕坐標</param> 
 7         public void MoveFeatureMouseMove(int x, int y) 
 8         { 
 9             try 
10             { 
11                 if (m_pFeedback == null) return; 
13                 IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
14                 IPoint pPoint = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(x, y); 
15                 m_pFeedback.MoveTo(pPoint); 
16             } 
17             catch (Exception e) 
18             { 
19                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); 
20             } 
21         } 

 1         /// <summary> 
 2 /// 完成地圖對象移動,取得移動後的對象,並將其更新到圖層中 
 3 /// 建議在Map.MouseUp事件中調用本方法 
 4 /// </summary> 
 5         public void MoveFeatureEnd() 
 6         { 
 7             IGeometry pGeometry; 
 9             try 
10             { 
11                 if (m_pFeedback == null) return; 
13                 if (m_pFeedback is IMovePointFeedback) 
14                 { 
15                     IMovePointFeedback pPointMove = (IMovePointFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
16                     pGeometry = pPointMove.Stop(); 
17                     UpdateFeature(m_pEditFeature, pGeometry); 
18                 } 
19                 else if (m_pFeedback is IMoveLineFeedback) 
20                 { 
21                     IMoveLineFeedback pLineMove = (IMoveLineFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
22                     pGeometry = pLineMove.Stop(); 
23                     UpdateFeature(m_pEditFeature, pGeometry); 
24                 } 
25                 else if (m_pFeedback is IMovePolygonFeedback) 
26                 { 
27                     IMovePolygonFeedback pPolyMove = (IMovePolygonFeedback)m_pFeedback; 
28                     pGeometry = pPolyMove.Stop(); 
29                     UpdateFeature(m_pEditFeature, pGeometry); 
30                 } 
32                 m_pFeedback = null; 
33                 IActiveView pActiveView = (IActiveView)m_pMap; 
34                 pActiveView.Refresh(); 
35             } 
36             catch (Exception e) 
37             { 
38                 Console.WriteLine(e.Message.ToString()); 
39             } 
40         } 

摘自 BruceWoo的專欄

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