這篇文章主要用於理解隊列(Queue)與棧(Stack)的區別與聯系,區別在於隊列(Queue)是先進先出(FIFO),而棧(Stack)是先進後出(FILO);同樣的,兩則都為線性存儲結構。 一. 兩個棧構造一個隊列:Queue with two stacks(Stack 1:inbox,Stack 2: outbox) 入列操作(EnQueue) inbox壓棧。 出列操作(DeQueue) 判斷inbox為空則拋出InvalidOperationException異常; 否則,將inbox所有數據出棧,並且壓入outbox; outbox出棧一次,並且把數據存入臨時變量temp; 將outbox剩下所有數據出棧重新壓入inbox; 返回temp。 以上為思路,附上C#代碼如下:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace TestApp.QueueAndStack { /// <summary> /// Construct a queue with two stacks: FIFO /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> public class Queue2Ss<T> { private Stack<T> inbox = null; private Stack<T> outbox = null; /// <summary> /// Initialize the two stacks /// </summary> public Queue2Ss() { inbox = new Stack<T>(); outbox = new Stack<T>(); } /// <summary> /// EnQueue /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public void EnQueue(T t) { inbox.Push(t); } /// <summary> /// DeQueue /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public T DeQueue() { if (inbox.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The queue is empty."); } // Pop the values of inbox to outbox while (inbox.Count > 0) { outbox.Push(inbox.Pop()); } // Get the result T t = outbox.Pop(); // Push to inbox with the values of outbox while (outbox.Count>0) { inbox.Push(outbox.Pop()); } return t; } /// <summary> /// Clear the whole queue's values /// </summary> public void Clear() { inbox.Clear(); outbox.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Return the count of queue /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int Count() { return (inbox.Count + outbox.Count); } } }
二. 兩個隊列構造一個棧:Stack with two queues(Queue 1: inbox,Queue 2: outbox) 壓棧操作(Push) inbox入列。 出棧操作(Pop) 判斷inbox為空則拋出InvalidOperationException異常; 否則,將inbox數據出列直到剩下最後一個元素為止,並且將出列數據入列到outbox中; inbox出列一次,並且將數據存入臨時變量temp; Swap(inbox,outbox); 返回temp。 附上C#代碼如下:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace TestApp.QueueAndStack { /// <summary> /// Construct a stack with two queues: FILO /// </summary> public class Stack2Qs<T> { private Queue<T> inbox = null; private Queue<T> outbox = null; /// <summary> /// Initialize the two queues /// </summary> public Stack2Qs() { inbox = new Queue<T>(); outbox = new Queue<T>(); } /// <summary> /// Push /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> public void Push(T t) { inbox.Enqueue(t); } /// <summary> /// Pop /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public T Pop() { if (inbox.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The stack is empty."); } // Dequeue the inbox's values to outbox // until the inbox has only 1 element left while (inbox.Count > 1) { outbox.Enqueue(inbox.Dequeue()); } // Get the result T t = inbox.Dequeue(); // Exchange the inbox and the outbox Queue<T> temp = inbox; inbox = outbox; outbox = temp; return t; } /// <summary> /// Clear the whole stack's values /// </summary> public void Clear() { inbox.Clear(); outbox.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Return the count of stack /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int Count() { return (inbox.Count + outbox.Count); } } }
上面是基於對棧和隊列的理解的基礎上,分別對棧和隊列的實現,當然我們也可以利用C#裡面的線性鏈表分別對Stack和Queue進行實現,有興趣大家可以試試,so easy!媽媽再也不用擔心我不會棧和隊列了!~_~