在 C# 中沒有供給辦法用來對 MessageBox 停止定位,然則經由過程 C++ 你可以查找窗口並挪動它們,本文講述若何在 C# 中對 MessageBox 停止定位。
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading;
在你的 Form 類裡添加以下 DllImport 屬性:
[DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr FindWindow(IntPtr classname, string title); // extern method: FindWindow [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern void MoveWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool rePaint); // extern method: MoveWindow [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, out Rectangle rect); // extern method: GetWindowRect
void FindAndMoveMsgBox(int x, int y, bool repaint, string title) { Thread thr = new Thread(() => // create a new thread { IntPtr msgBox = IntPtr.Zero; // while there's no MessageBox, FindWindow returns IntPtr.Zero while ((msgBox = FindWindow(IntPtr.Zero, title)) == IntPtr.Zero) ; // after the while loop, msgBox is the handle of your MessageBox Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); GetWindowRect(msgBox, out r); // Gets the rectangle of the message box MoveWindow(msgBox /* handle of the message box */, x , y, r.Width - r.X /* width of originally message box */, r.Height - r.Y /* height of originally message box */, repaint /* if true, the message box repaints */); }); thr.Start(); /: starts the thread }
你要在 MessageBox.Show 之前挪用這個辦法,並確保 caption 參數不克不及為空,由於 title 參數必需等於 caption 參數。
FindAndMoveMsgBox(0,0,true,"Title"); MessageBox.Show("Message","Title");