mailObj = new MailMessage("[email protected]", "[email protected]","From Script.NET", "Body"); SMTPServer = new SmtpClient(""); NTLMAuthentication = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "password"); SMTPServer.UseDefaultCredentials = false; SMTPServer.Credentials = NTLMAuthentication; try { SMTPServer.Send(mailObj); } catch (ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { }
對於PDF文件的操作,選擇開源的iText library類庫。腳本代碼如下所示
//Create document at given location BeginDocument(“c:\\output.pdf”);//Change title in documentв’s meta dataВ ActiveDocument.AddTitle(‘Sample document’); //Create paragraphs with different alignment and color options Paragraph(‘Hello World’, ALIGN_CENTER); Paragraph(‘This is demo’, ALIGN_RIGHT, BLUE); Paragraph(‘This pdf was generated by S#’, GREEN); //Create a list of string items BeginList(); ListItem(‘One’); ListItem(‘Two’); ListItem(‘Three’); EndList(); //Create a table with tree columns BeginTable(3); //Create cells for the first row Cell(’1′); Cell(‘One’); Cell(Paragraph(‘Description of One’, RED)); //Create cells for second row Cell(’2′); Cell(‘Two’); Cell(‘Description of Two’); EndTable(); //Flush and close document EndDocument();
生成PDF的應用,它的原文是《Using S# to generate PDF documents》,請找到這篇文章並下載代碼體會。
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { RuntimeHost.Initialize(); Script script = Script.Compile(@" return Copy('a.xls','d:\Document'); "); script.Context.SetItem("Copy", new CopyFunction()); object result = script.Execute(); Console.WriteLine(result); Console.ReadLine(); } } public class CopyFunction : IInvokable { public bool CanInvoke() { return true; } public object Invoke(IScriptContext context, object[] args) { string sourceFile =Convert.ToString(args[0]); string destintionFolder=Convert.ToString(args[1]); if(!Directory.Exists(destintionFolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destintionFolder); string targetFile=Path.Combine(destintionFolder,Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( sourceFile)+Path.GetExtension( sourceFile)); File.Copy(sourceFile,targetFile); return targetFile; } }
有了這個做基礎,你可以實現這樣的功能:每日構建 Daily Build,請參考文章《圖解持續集成--純命令行實現.Net項目每日構建》
sql = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("System.Data.SqlClient"); connection = sql.CreateConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True"; connection.Open(); command = sql.CreateCommand(); command.Connection = connection; command.CommandText = "select * from Customers"; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(reader["CompanyName"]+". "+ reader["ContactName"]); } connection.Dispose();
我們知道,在自定義的工作流系統中,CodeActivity是最有價值的活動,可以做任何想做的事情,但也非常不好用。因為工作流的用戶,不是做編程的,不懂C#.NET,所以,你不能指望他會改變這一點。Script.NET則彌補了這個缺陷,可以讓工作流設計人員,在我的腳本編輯環境中,編輯腳本,給工作流添加靈活的腳本代碼,在執行時,由Script.NET解析引擎執行。只要腳本編輯環境足夠智能靈活,提供的Script Sample足夠多,這個CodeActivity(應該改名叫ScriptActivity)為增加自定義的工作流系統的靈活性,發揮極大的作用。
要達到這個功能,要參考Windows Automation API,請參考這裡this article。
// Close existing instances of Notepad Kill(“notepad”); // Launch a new Notepad instance and get main window window = Launch(“notepad”); // Wait 1 second Wait(1000); // Get main editor region edit = FindByClassName(window, “Edit”); // focus main editor FocusEditor(edit); // Send sample text to the editor region SendKeys.SendWait(“Automating Notepad using Windows UI Automation and S#”); Wait(3000); // Find [File] menu mnuFile = FindById(window, “Item 1″); // Expand [File] menu Expand(mnuFile); Wait(1000); // Invoke [Save As] menu item InvokeById(window, “Item 4″); Wait(1000); // Get [Save As] dialog saveAsDialog = FindByName(window, “Save As”); // Get access to [FileName] textbox saveAsName = FindById(saveAsDialog, “1001″); // Focus filename editor FocusEditor(saveAsName); // Write down file name SendKeys.SendWait(“D:\\MyTextFile”); // Send [Enter] keypress SendKeys.SendWait(“{ENTER}”); Wait(1000); // Check whether Overwrite Dialog appeared confirmSaveAs = FindByName(saveAsDialog, “Confirm Save As”); if (confirmSaveAs != null) { // Click [OK] button InvokeById(confirmSaveAs, “CommandButton_6″); Wait(1000); } // Expand [File] menu Expand(mnuFile); Wait(1000); // Click [Exit] item InvokeById(window, “Item 7″);
這個應用的原文是《Windows Automation: Automating Windows 7 Notepad within S# Script》。
它的原來的用法是這樣:Usage: RunTests.exe folderPath
改成這樣的用法 Usage: RunTests.exe scriptFile
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
總結:本質上,Script.NET的腳本運行還是解析為DotNet代碼的執行,所以不必懷疑它能做什麼,.NET能實現的功能,都能做到。問題是我們是否需要這樣的動態腳本,來增強程序的可擴展性,靈活性,這取決於你,it is up to you。