以前空閒的時候用C#實現的路徑規劃算法,今日貼它出來,看大家有沒有更 好的實現方案。關於路徑規劃(最短路徑)算法的背景知識,大家可以參考 《C++算法--圖算法》一書。
該圖算法描述的是這樣的場景:圖由節點 和帶有方向的邊構成,每條邊都有相應的權值,路徑規劃(最短路徑)算法就是 要找出從節點A到節點B的累積權值最小的路徑。
首先,我們可以將 “有向邊”抽象為Edge類:
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public class Edge
public string StartNodeID ;
public string EndNodeID ;
public double Weight ; //權值,代價
節點則抽象成Node類,一個節點上掛著以此節 點作為起點的“出邊”表。
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public class Node
private string iD ;
private ArrayList edgeList ;//Edge的集合--出邊表
public Node(string id )
this.iD = id ;
this.edgeList = new ArrayList() ;
property#region property
public string ID
return this.iD ;
public ArrayList EdgeList
return this.edgeList ;
在計算的過程中,我們需要記錄到達每一個節點權值最小的 路徑,這個抽象可以用PassedPath類來表示:
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/// <summary>
/// PassedPath 用於緩存計算過程中的到達某個節點的權值最小的路徑
/// </summary>
public class PassedPath
private string curNodeID ;
private bool beProcessed ; //是否已被處理
private double weight ; //累積的權值
private ArrayList passedIDList ; // 路徑
public PassedPath(string ID)
this.curNodeID = ID ;
this.weight = double.MaxValue ;
this.passedIDList = new ArrayList() ;
this.beProcessed = false ;
#region property
public bool BeProcessed
return this.beProcessed ;
this.beProcessed = value ;
public string CurNodeID
return this.curNodeID ;
public double Weight
return this.weight ;
this.weight = value ;
public ArrayList PassedIDList
return this.passedIDList ;
另外,還需要一個表PlanCourse來記錄規劃的中間結果,即它管 理了每一個節點的PassedPath。
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/// <summary>
/// PlanCourse 緩存從源節點到其它任一節點的最小權值路徑=》路徑表
/// </summary>
public class PlanCourse
private Hashtable htPassedPath ;
#region ctor
public PlanCourse(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID)
this.htPassedPath = new Hashtable() ;
Node originNode = null ;
foreach(Node node in nodeList)
if(node.ID == originID)
originNode = node ;
PassedPath pPath = new PassedPath(node.ID) ;
this.htPassedPath.Add(node.ID ,pPath) ;
if(originNode == null)
throw new Exception("The origin node is not exist !") ;
this.InitializeWeight(originNode) ;
private void InitializeWeight(Node originNode)
if((originNode.EdgeList == null) || (originNode.EdgeList.Count == 0))
return ;
foreach(Edge edge in originNode.EdgeList)
PassedPath pPath = this[edge.EndNodeID] ;
if (pPath == null)
continue ;
pPath.PassedIDList.Add(originNode.ID) ;
pPath.Weight = edge.Weight ;
public PassedPath this[string nodeID]
return (PassedPath)this.htPassedPath[nodeID] ;
在所有的基礎構建好後,路徑規劃 算法就很容易實施了,該算法主要步驟如下:
(1)用一張表(PlanCourse) 記錄源點到任何其它一節點的最小權值,初始化這張表時,如果源點能直通某節 點,則權值設為對應的邊的權,否則設為double.MaxValue。
(2)選取沒 有被處理並且當前累積權值最小的節點TargetNode,用其邊的可達性來更新到達 其它節點的路徑和權值(如果其它節點 經此節點後權值變小則更新,否則不更 新),然後標記TargetNode為已處理。
(3)重復(2),直至所有的可達節 點都被處理一遍。
(4)從PlanCourse表中獲取目的點的PassedPath,即為 結果。
下面就來看上述步驟的實現,該實現被封裝在RoutePlanner類中 :
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/// <summary>
/// RoutePlanner 提供圖算法中常用的路徑規劃功 能。
/// 2005.09.06
/// </summary>
public class RoutePlanner
public RoutePlanner ()
#region Paln
public RoutePlanResult Paln(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID ,string destID)
PlanCourse planCourse = new PlanCourse(nodeList ,originID) ;
Node curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse ,nodeList ,originID) ;
#region 計算過程
while(curNode != null)
PassedPath curPath = planCourse [curNode.ID] ;
foreach(Edge edge in curNode.EdgeList)
PassedPath targetPath = planCourse[edge.EndNodeID] ;
double tempWeight = curPath.Weight + edge.Weight ;
if(tempWeight < targetPath.Weight)
targetPath.Weight = tempWeight ;
targetPath.PassedIDList.Clear() ;
for(int i=0 ;i<curPath.PassedIDList.Count ;i++)
targetPath.PassedIDList.Add(curPath.PassedIDList.ToString()) ;
targetPath.PassedIDList.Add(curNode.ID) ;
planCourse[curNode.ID].BeProcessed = true ;
curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse ,nodeList ,originID) ;
return this.GetResult(planCourse ,destID) ;
#region private method
#region GetResult
//從 PlanCourse表中取出目標節點的PassedPath,這個PassedPath即是規劃結果
private RoutePlanResult GetResult(PlanCourse planCourse ,string destID)
PassedPath pPath = planCourse[destID] ;
if(pPath.Weight == int.MaxValue)
RoutePlanResult result1 = new RoutePlanResult(null ,int.MaxValue) ;
return result1 ;
string[] passedNodeIDs = new string[pPath.PassedIDList.Count] ;
for(int i=0 ;i<passedNodeIDs.Length ;i++)
passedNodeIDs = pPath.PassedIDList.ToString() ;
RoutePlanResult result = new RoutePlanResult(passedNodeIDs ,pPath.Weight) ;
return result ;
#region GetMinWeightRudeNode
//從PlanCourse取出一個當 前累積權值最小,並且沒有被處理過的節點
private Node GetMinWeightRudeNode(PlanCourse planCourse ,ArrayList nodeList ,string originID)
double weight = double.MaxValue ;
Node destNode = null ;
foreach(Node node in nodeList)
if(node.ID == originID)
continue ;
PassedPath pPath = planCourse[node.ID] ;
if (pPath.BeProcessed)
continue ;
if(pPath.Weight < weight)
weight = pPath.Weight ;
destNode = node ;
return destNode ;
2006.05.22 應眾多朋友要求,下面給出一個簡單示例:
RoutePlanner.Plan 過程詳解:
(1)用一張表(PlanCourse)記錄 源點到任何其它一節點的最小權值,初始化這張表時,如果源點能直通某節點, 則權值設為對應的
(2)選取沒 有被處理並且當前累積權值最小的節點TargetNode,用其邊的可達性來更新到達 其它節點的路徑和權值(如果其它節點
經此節點後權值變小則更新,否 則不更新),然後標記TargetNode為已處理
(3)重復(2),直至所有的可 達節點都被處理一遍。
(4)從PlanCourse表中獲取目的點的PassedPath, 即為結果。
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static void Main (string[] args)
ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList() ;
//***************** B Node *******************
Node aNode = new Node ("A") ;
nodeList.Add(aNode) ;
//A -> B
Edge aEdge1 = new Edge() ;
aEdge1.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge1.EndNodeID = "B" ;
aEdge1.Weight = 10 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge1) ;
//A -> C
Edge aEdge2 = new Edge() ;
aEdge2.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge2.EndNodeID = "C" ;
aEdge2.Weight = 20 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge2) ;
//A -> E
Edge aEdge3 = new Edge() ;
aEdge3.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge3.EndNodeID = "E" ;
aEdge3.Weight = 30 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge3) ;
//***************** B Node *******************
Node bNode = new Node("B") ;
nodeList.Add (bNode) ;
//B -> C
Edge bEdge1 = new Edge() ;
bEdge1.StartNodeID = bNode.ID ;
bEdge1.EndNodeID = "C" ;
bEdge1.Weight = 5 ;
bNode.EdgeList.Add(bEdge1) ;
//B -> E
Edge bEdge2 = new Edge() ;
bEdge2.StartNodeID = bNode.ID ;
bEdge2.EndNodeID = "E" ;
bEdge2.Weight = 10 ;
bNode.EdgeList.Add(bEdge2) ;
//***************** C Node *******************
Node cNode = new Node("C") ;
nodeList.Add(cNode) ;
//C -> D
Edge cEdge1 = new Edge() ;
cEdge1.StartNodeID = cNode.ID ;
cEdge1.EndNodeID = "D" ;
cEdge1.Weight = 30 ;
cNode.EdgeList.Add(cEdge1) ;
//***************** D Node *******************
Node dNode = new Node ("D") ;
nodeList.Add(dNode) ;
//***************** C Node *******************
Node eNode = new Node("E") ;
nodeList.Add (eNode) ;
//C -> D
Edge eEdge1 = new Edge() ;
eEdge1.StartNodeID = eNode.ID ;
eEdge1.EndNodeID = "D" ;
eEdge1.Weight = 20 ;
eNode.EdgeList.Add (eEdge1) ;
RoutePlanner planner = new RoutePlanner() ;
RoutePlanResult result = planner.Paln(nodeList ,"A" ,"D") ;
planner = null ;