//MyShape.cs---源文件,用於定義圖形類,作為其它圖形的基類 using System; namespace MyShape { public class Shape { public virtual void Draw() {;} //虛方法,用於圖形繪制 public virtual int GetArea(){ return 0; //虛方法,用於計算圖形面積 } } } //rect.cs---源文件,用於定義矩形類和正方形類 using System; namespace MyShape { public class Rectangle:Shape //定義矩形類 { protected int a; protected int b; //矩形的邊長 public Rectangle(int va,int vb) { a=va; b=vb; } public override int GetArea() //重載虛方法,計算矩形面積 { int area=a*b; return area; } public overide void Draw() //重載虛方法,在屏幕上繪制矩形 { Console.WriteLine("Rectangle:"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * *"); } } public class Square:Rectangle //定義正方形類 { public Square(int va):base(va,va) {;} public override void Draw() //重載,繪制正方形 { Console.WriteLine("Square"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * *"); } } } //triangle.cs---源文件,用於三角形 using System; namespace MyShape { //定義普通三角形,作為其它三角形的基類 public class Triangle:Shape { protected int a; protected int b; protected int c; public Triangle(int va,int vb,int vc) { a=va; b=vb; c=vc; } public override int GetArea() { int s=(a+b+c)/2; int area=(int)(Math.Sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))); return area; } } //定義直角三角形 public class RectTriangle:Triangle { new protected int a; new protected int b; public RectTriangle(int va,int vb): base(va,vb,(int)(Math.Sqrt(va*va+vb*vb))) { a=va; b=vb; } public override int GetArea() { int area=(int)(a*b/2); return area; } public override void Draw() { Console.WriteLine("RectTriangle"); Console.WriteLine("*"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* * *); } } //定義等腰直角三角形 public class RectEqualTriangle:RectTriangle { new protected int a; public RectEqualTriangle(int va):base(va,va) { a=va; } public override int GetArea() { int area=(int)(a*a/2); return area; } public override void Draw() { Console.WriteLine("RectEqualTriangle"); Console.WriteLine("*"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * *"); } } } //Mymessage.cs----源文件,用於定義程序顯示的一些信息 using System; namespace MyMessage { public class Message { public void Begin() { Console.WriteLine("*********** ***********"); Console.WriteLine("* * * *"); Console.WriteLine("********** * * **********"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* * * *"); Console.WriteLine("* ** *"); Console.WriteLine("* * *"); Console.WriteLine("* SHAPE GAME *"); Console.WriteLine("**********************************"); } public bool Ask() { Console.WriteLine("Press 0 to exit the game"); Console.WriteLine("Press any other key to continue the game"); Console.WriteLine(); int c=Console.Read(); if(c==48) return false; return true; } } } //client.cs---客戶程序 using System; using MyShape; using MyMessage; class ClientTest { public static void Main() { int score=1000; //總分 int win; //每一局贏取的分數 int choice; //隨機獲得的圖形號 int bet; //每一局下的注 string s; Shape sp=new Shape(); Random ran=new Random(); Message msg=new Message(); msg.Begin(); while(true) { if(!msg.Ask()) break; Console.WriteLine("Your Score:{0}",score); Console.WriteLine("Enter your bet:"); Console.ReadLine(); s=Console.ReadLine(); //如果押注的輸入不正確,進行異常處理,並默認下注為100分 try{ bet=s.ToInt32(); } catch{ bet=100; } if(bet<score) score-=bet; else{ bet=score; score=0; } Console.WriteLine("Remain Score:{0}",score); win=0; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { choice=ran.Next()%4; //隨機數發生器 switch(choice) { case 0: sp=new RectTriangle(5,4); goto end; case 1: sp=new RectEqualTriangle(5); goto end; case 2: sp=new Rectangle(5,4); goto end; case 3: sp=new Square(5); } end: //利用多態性,計算得分 sp.Draw(); win+=sp.GetArea()*(i+1)*bet/100; Console.WriteLine("Your win:{0}",win); } score+=win; Console.WriteLine("Your Score:{0}",scroe); if(score<100) { Console.WriteLine("Your remain score is not enough to play"); break; } } } }
csc/target:library /out:MyShape.dll MyShape.cs rect.cs triangle.cs
csc/target:library /out:MyMessage.dll MyMessage.cs
csc/reference:MyShape.dll;MyMessage.dll client.cs