在找IMC的資料時,無意中發現這個有趣,就記下來,自己寫程序實現命令行方式,寫內容到docs.google.com(很好用的google在線Office系列服務,免費的),以下是文字介紹,還有源碼下載。英文水平菜,所以,就不翻譯了。更多請訪問 www.123de6.cn
I put this together quickly to use with SlickRun so I could maintain a log file of things I''ve done throughout the day. I couldn''t find a lot of good samples on how to use the Google API. Both the binarIEs and the source is included in separate zips. Enjoy.
Quick start
1. Sign up with Google Docs at http://docs.google.com
2. Create a new spreadsheet, add two columns named ''Date'' and ''Item'', save spreadsheet as ''Log''
Run from the command line using the following syntax:
GoogleSpreadsheetLog -u "username" -p "passWord" -item "item to log"
Optional command line parameters
-ss "spreadsheet" [if you want to override the default spreadsheet name of ''Log'']
-ws "worksheet" [if you want to override the default worksheet name of ''Sheet1'']
-datecol "date columnname" [if you want to override the default date column name of ''date'']
-itemcol "item columnname" [if you want to override the default item column name of ''item'']
--debug [turns on debugging mode and outputs some additional items to the console]
GoogleSpreadsheetLog -u "[email protected]" -p "blah" -item "This is a test"
- logs into google docs as
lto:[email protected]">[email protected] with passWord ''blah'', logs item named "This is a test" in ''Log'' spreadsheet, Sheet1 worksheet
GoogleSpreadsheetLog -u "[email protected]" -p "blah" -item "This is a test" -ss "Daily Log"
- logs into google docs as [email protected] with passWord ''blah'', logs item named "This is a test" in ''Daily Log'' spreadsheet, Sheet1 worksheet
GoogleSpreadsheetLog -u "[email protected]" -p "blah" -item "This is a test" -ss "WhenWhatLog" -datecol "When" -itemcol "What"
- logs into google docs as [email protected] with passWord ''blah'', logs item named "This is a test" in ''WhenWhatLog'' spreadsheet, Sheet1 worksheet with columns named "When" for date and "What" for the item
Attachment: GoogleSpreadsheetLog_SOURCE.zip
Attachment: GoogleSpreadsheetLog.zip
Richard Edwards
DNNStuff Founder