From: http://www.thinkofdesign.com/Blog/tabid/65/ctl/ArticleVIEw/mid/369/articleId/12/Default.ASPx
By: Vasilis Terzopoulos
Skins and modules are the reasons that DotNetNuke became so popular. They just get you involved. From the early versions you could skin it working with one Html and one CSS file when for the most of the modern web applications out there, you have to deal with a bunch of files (sometimes and images!) to make them look the way you want.
With this tutorial I''ll try to make you understand the basics about DotNetNuke skins and hopefully you''ll learn how to create your own first skin from a static Html page.
To follow this tutorial you need to know HTML and CSS and your web design skills should allow you to create a static Html page (like this one). Also DotNetNuke must be installed either locally on your Machine or on a live server. Installation help can be found in the DotNetNuke official documentation. Dreamweaver and my extension are required too for this tutorial although you can create skins even with Notepad or any other free editor like Notepad++ which is my favorite one.
Another tool you''ll find useful is the DotNetNuke Skin Objects and Container Objects Dynamic Reference which is the same reference you can find in the DotNetNuke Skinning document but much easIEr to read.
Let''s go ahead to our step by step tutorial. You can download the final skin and containers