在2007年農歷的最後幾天,我終於快要結束我的第一個MCE PLUGIN程序的開發。
首先介紹一下這個PLUGIN,因為之前公司是開發數字電視卡的,所以現在這個PLUGIN的開發也是為了給公司以前的產品增值而在Vista MCE下開發能使用本公司電視卡或者接收衛星數據而進行的軟件開發。
我已經很久沒有更新我的bloger了。除了因為工作忙外,我必須仔細規劃我的職業生涯問題。AnyWay,終於迎來我的Plugin 的Version1.0。現發幾張效果圖,希望可以因此找到志同道合的朋友(我在國內基本沒有找到可以供討論的論壇,我開發的方式 MCML+C#):
1. My plugin entry point in Vista MCE start menu strip
2. My plugin entry point in Vista MCE Online Media-> more programs
3.When press the entry point icon, pop up message box
歡迎光臨學網,收藏本篇文章 [1] [2] [3] [4] $False$4.The main menu page of my plugin: The main function of my plugin
5. DevInfo Page:To display the digital TV card information
6. Default Satelite Info Page: Well, the satellite infomation is stable in general. We extract this information from a database in our project.
文章整理:學網 http://www.xue5.com (本站) [1] [2] [3] [4]
7. Satellite Scroller List: Of course, we extract satellite information from our database file, and form a scroller list to user, user can select one item from this list with mouse; Well, the list is big, we can accept user''s keyboard input to search the most exact satellite.
User can input four characters to search the most appropriate satellite, when search down, the item can get focus.
8. Transponder List - when select one satellite, we can get the according Frequency/symbolRate list
9. If user use disqec, we can also to set switich position and polarization(horizontal/vertical) for the signal
10. Advance settings just for the user define the Frequency/SymbolRate, Switch Position,Polarization through keyboard input.
歡迎光臨學網,點擊這裡查看更多文章教程 [1] [2] [3] [4]
11. User Can Edit stream Filter MAC address by himself. Well, as i said above, this application for the user that get network stream through satellite. so Mac address is needed.
12. User can define the PID of which programs(節目) he wants to vIEw. (just for satellite TV stream)
PID=Program ID.
13. We also add a monitor downlink status page to indicate the network stream status.
That''s all. Just a summary about my project.
In the Media Center Sandbox discuss forum, many people said it''s rough to study MCML, rought to develop Media Center Presentation Layer Application. So i hope the effort i spend is deserved in future.
Hope to make frIEnds in 2008 to discuss the MCML development.
Happy new year, best wishes to all passionate programmers.