Custom Menus, Text, Lines / Delphi 4, 5
自定義菜單,文本,線/ Delphi 4, 5
Fancy Menus, etc.
Custom Menus, Rotated Text, and Special Lines
Before Delphi 4, it was difficult to customize a menu (add a bitmap, change a font, etc.), because owner drawing (i.e. custom drawing) - although implemented by Windows - was not exposed by the TMainMenu class. Since Delphi 4, however, this situation has been rectifIEd, and we can have our way with menus.
在Delphi 4之前,要想自定義一個菜單是困難的(例如加上一個BMP圖像,改變字體等),因為owner drawing事件(也就是custom drawing事件)-雖然是由Windows來執行,但是卻並不在TMainMenu class中出現.自從Delphi 4開始後,
This article will highlight some techniques you can use to customize the appearance of menus in your Delphi applications. We''ll discuss text placement, menu sizing, font assignment, and using bitmaps and shapes to enhance a menu''s appearance. Just for fun, this article also features techniques for creating rotated text and custom lines. All of the techniques discussed in this article are demonstrated in projects available for download。
Custom Fonts and Sizes
To create a custom menu, set the OwnerDraw property of the menu component -TMainMenu or TPopupMenu - to True, and provide event handlers for its OnDrawItem and OnMeasureItem events. For example, an OnMeasureItem event handler is declared like this:
procedure TForm1.Option1MeasureItem(Sender: TObject;
ACanvas: TCanvas; var Width, Height: Integer);
Set the Width and Height variables to adjust the size of the menu item. The OnDrawItem event handler is where all the hard work is done; it''s where you draw your menu and make any special settings. To draw the menu option with Times New Roman font, for example, you should do something like this:
設置上面事件過程中的菜單項的Width 和Height變量到合適的大小.所有主要的事情都要由OnDrawItem事件來觸發;它是你要重畫菜單和作任何特殊設置的地方。舉例,為了用Times New Roman字體來重畫菜單項,你可以如下面這樣做: