微軟新推出的產品,有時候會先放到http://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh-cn/subscriptions/default.ASPx“訂戶熱門下載” 下載裡進行下載,而沒有放在MSDN Subscriber Downloads 頁面進行下載。使用“訂戶熱門下載”下載文件時由於時間關系、網絡問題或者其他一些問題,有時候會出現提示說“文件下載在完成前中止,為方便繼續下載,在桌面上建立一個繼續下載的鏈接”。這個鏈接真的管用嗎?有時候,單擊這個鏈接仍然會提示上面的錯誤,非常郁悶啊。這是怎麼回事呢?繼續不了,這個時候,千萬不要單擊“Cancel”按鈕,單擊這個按鈕就只能從頭開始下載了。一開始,我也覺得奇怪,怎麼弄都是老樣子,氣憤!只好到網上搜索,也沒有搜索到任何結果。只好去MSDN上找找。在“訂戶熱門下載”的頁面,有一個“常見問題”的鏈接,看了一遍,沒有找到與錯誤完全相同的問題。在這個問題列表的最後,有這樣一個:
What else can I do if I have trouble downloading?(如果在下載時出現問題,我還能做什麼?)
If you cannot complete a download, you may need to clear the cache in your browser. Follow these steps to clear your cache in Internet Explorer:
- On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options and then click the General tab.
- In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Delete Files and then click the OK button if you would like to empty your entire cache of temporary Internet files.
- In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings. In the Settings dialog box, select Every visit to the page. Then set the size of the Temporary Internet Files folder to a size larger than your intended download. Next, click the VIEw Files button.
- In the Temporary Internet Files window that opens, open the Edit menu and click Select All. Press DELETE. When you are asked if you would like to delete all the cookIEs you have selected, click Yes. Click the OK buttons until you return to the General tab.
- In the History section of the General tab, click Clear History and then click Yes. When you are asked if you would like to delete the history of the Web sites you have visited, click OK.