Hi Everyone,
Another great release that I am very excited to announce. We just released DotNetBar for WPF 3.1 which includes the most advanced and sophisticated Visual Studio.Net 2008 design-time support available.
I am not exaggerating, nobody has WPF based design-time support in VS.Net 2008 at this level
So whats new? All controls get the designer support that will no doubt, help you get most out of our WPF controls. You can easily create appropriate child objects, like buttons, panels, Ribbon Bar controls, docking Windows and you can move them around without modifying XAML. You also get one-click easy Access to most common properties for each control so you don’t have to look through the huge list of propertIEs (most of them from base WPF classes) available on each control.
What does this look like? First thing you’ll notice when you open RibbonPad sample in VS.Net 2008 and select Ribbon control, is the Task Menu button in top-right corner of the control. Here is small image that shows that: