我們經常會寫一些小程序給自己或者他人用,而這些程序時長又會去引用一些第三方的Dll,比如開源的 ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll等,為了讓程序保持整潔,或者給對方的時候方便,就想把這些dll給嵌入到EXE中去,這樣在不打包的情況下,只要丟一個文件給對方就能用了.最近研究了下可行性,目前有如下兩種方法:
(圖1:示例項目,ThirdPartydlldemo.dll作為第三方資源.Build Action屬性設置為" Embedded Resource")
1: private static void ExtractResourceToFile(string resourceName, string filename)
2: {
3: if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
4: using (System.IO.Stream s = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName))
5: usng (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
6: {
7: byte[] b = new byte[s.Length];
8: s.Read(b, 0, b.Length);
9: fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
10: }
11: }
1: static Program()
2: {
3: ExtractResourceToFile("EmbeddedDLL2ExeDemo.ThirdPartyDllDemo.dll",
4: "ThirdPartyDllDemo.dll");
5: }
This document describes the ILMerge utility which merges multiple .NET assemblies into a single assembly. However, some .NET assemblies may not be able to be merged because they may contain features such as unmanaged code. I would highly recommend using peverify (the .NET Framework SDK tool) on the output of ILMerge to guarantee that the output is verifiable and will load in the .NET runtime.
ILMerge is packaged as a console application. But all of its functionality is also accessible programmatically. Note that Visual Studio does allow one to add an executable as a reference, so you can write a client that uses ILMerge as a library.
ILMerge takes a set of input assemblies and merges them into one target assembly. The first assembly in the list of input assemblies is the primary assembly. When the primary assembly is an executable, then the target assembly is created as an executable with the same entry point as the primary assembly. Also, if the primary assembly has a strong name, and a .snk file is provided, then the target assembly is re-signed with the specified key so that it also has a strong name.
Note that anything that depended upon any of the names of the input assemblies, e.g., configuration files, must be updated to refer instead to the name of the target assembly.
Any Win32 Resources in the primary assembly are copied over into the target assembly.
There are many options that control the behavior of ILMerge. These are described in the next section.
Ilmerge 相關的命令行參數是:
ilmerge [/lib:directory]* [/log[:filename]] [/keyfile:filename [/delaysign]] [/internalize[:filename]] [/t[arget]:(library|exe|winexe)] [/closed] [/ndebug] [/ver:version] [/copyattrs [/allowMultiple]] [/xmldocs] [/attr:filename] ([/targetplatform:<version>[,<platformdir>]]|v1|v1.1|v2|v4) [/useFullPublicKeyForReferences] [/zeroPeKind] [/wildcards] [/allowDup[:typename]]* [/allowDuplicateResources] [/union] [/align:n] /out:filename <primary assembly> [<other assemblies>...]
如圖1 示例,命令行參數是
ilmerge EmbeddedDLL2ExeDemo.exe ThirdPartyDllDemo.dll /ndebug /out:EmbeddedDll2Ex
這樣既可,該方法比方法1更完美,不過這個Ilmerge 在使用的時候還有一些不足的地方,比如/ver:version,這個參數設置後沒有效果;