這兩天用WPF做一個項目的UI部分時, 發現跨線程地訪問了UI控件, 自然地報異常了. 當時找了半天也沒在控件中找到InvokeRequired屬性和Invoke方法, 郁悶之極.....最後發現在.net3.0中,這有所改變了.
// Uses the DispatcherObject.CheckAccess method to determine if // the calling thread has access to the thread the UI object is on private void TryToUpdateButtonCheckAccess(object uiObject) { Button theButton = uiObject as Button; if (theButton != null) { // Checking if this thread has access to the object if(theButton.CheckAccess()) { // This thread has access so it can update the UI thread UpdateButtonUI(theButton); } else { // This thread does not have access to the UI thread // Pushing update method on the Dispatcher of the UI thread theButton.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new UpdateUIDelegate(UpdateButtonUI), theButton); } } }