ID Time A B C
1 2000-01-01 10:10:10 20 30 15
2 2000-01-01 11:20:20 30 15 40
3 2000-01-01 12:30:30 30 20 10
4 2000-01-02 10:10:10 30 40 25
5 2000-01-02 11:20:20 20 50 60
Time max
2000-01-01 11:20:20 40
2000-01-02 11:20:20 60
select convert(char(10),time,120) 日期,
(case when MAX(A)>MAX(B) and MAX(A)>MAX(C) then MAX(A)
when MAX(B)>MAX(A) and MAX(B)>MAX(C) then MAX(B)
when MAX(C)>MAX(A) and MAX(C)>MAX(B) then MAX(C)
from ttt group by convert(char(10),time,120)
select * from ttt