560680 [main-SendThread(localhost:2002)] INFO org.apache.storm.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x15415616aab000e, negotiated timeout = 20000
560681 [main-EventThread] INFO org.apache.storm.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateManager - State change: RECONNECTED
560681 [main-SendThread(localhost:2002)] INFO org.apache.storm.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2002, sessionid = 0x15415616aab000f, negotiated timeout = 20000
560681 [main-EventThread] INFO org.apache.storm.curator.framework.state.ConnectionStateManager - State change: RECONNECTED
703453 [SyncThread:0] WARN org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnLog - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:0 took 1246ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
719114 [SyncThread:0] WARN org.apache.storm.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnLog - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:0 took 1506ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
pyleus submit -n [nimbushost] topology_name.jar