<html><script language=VB runat=server>  
fileup.htm < html > < head >< title >
upload.asp <form action=http://<%= Request. ServerVariables(SERVER_NAME)&
<!--METADATA TYPE=typelib UUID=00000205-0000-0010-8000-00
<%@ LANGUAGE=VBscript %> <html><head>
<script language=vbs>sub send_onclick  
authenticate.asp<%Dim URLURL = Request.QueryString 獲得URL. %> <html>&
main.htm<html><body><form action=login.asp method=Post><inp
global.asp <script language=vbscript runat=server> sub
security.asp<%bLoggedIn = (len(session(UserName)) > 0) if bRequireLogin th
manage.asp 登錄頁面.<%@ Language=VBScript %><html><body><form n
<%if not IsEmpty(Session(cust—id)) and Len(Session(cust—id))>0 then 用戶登錄後指
<% 讀取用戶輸入的賬號和密碼. UserID = Request(UserID) Password = Request(Password) 檢查Us
<%response.write makePassword(16)function makePassword(byVal maxLen)Dim strNe
quote.asp<%Set MyFileObj = Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)Set
randompassword.asp<% Dim i, intNum, intUpper, intLower, intRand, strPartPass,
<%genPassword = RandomizeFor i = 1 to 8intNum = Int(10 * Rnd + 48)intUpper =