我原先的數據庫的表空間是XMGL,然後我修改了一張表,將其表空間修改為了 WGP,然後導出,然後通過一台服務器,這台服務器的表空間就是 WGP,然後導入就報錯
報錯說是 XMGL不存在,問題是我原先導出前已經修改了表空間,導出還是原先的表空間,求解,數據庫我也重啟了,還是不行,求大神!
參考Import: Tablespace does not exist tips
You can fix the ORA-00959 error in several ways:
Create the tablespace and use IGNORE=Y in the impdp syntax Import into another user ID with a different default tablespace name (fromuser touser) Use include=tablespace if you want to have the import pre-build the same tablespaces
另外你也可以參考oracle 導入報錯 ORA-00959: tablespace 'HB' does not exist