org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet
Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: 除非另外還指定了 TOP、OFFSET 或 FOR XML,否則,ORDER BY 子句在視圖、內聯函數、派生表、子查詢和公用表表達式中無效。
String sql="select sd.sensorInputDataID as 數據ID,e.equipmentName as 設備名,sd.date as 日期 "+
"from SensorInputData as sd left join Sensor as s on sd.sensorId=s.sensorId left join EquipmentMessage as e on s.equipmentId=e.equipmentId "+
"where sd.date between '2015/08/13 00:00:00' and '2015/08/13 23:59:59' and e.equipmentName like'%設備5%' union "+
"select sd.sensorInputDataID as 數據ID,e.equipmentName as 設備名,sd.date as 日期 "+
"from SensorInputData as sd left join Sensor as s on sd.sensorId=s.sensorId left join EquipmentMessage as e on s.equipmentId=e.equipmentId "+
"where sd.date between '2015/08/13 00:00:00' and '2015/08/13 23:59:59' and e.area like'%設備5%' order by sd.date asc";
先解決你的問題,sql1 union sql2 order by xx
沒有意義,除非是(sql1 union sql2) order by xx