using namespace std;
class MyString{
char* Buffer;
MyString( const char* InititalInput )
if (InititalInput != NULL)
Buffer = new char[ strlen( InititalInput ) + 1 ];
strcpy_s( Buffer, strlen( InititalInput ) + 1, InititalInput );
Buffer = NULL;
if (Buffer != NULL)
delete []Buffer;
Buffer = NULL;
MyString( const MyString& CopySource )
if (CopySource.Buffer != NULL)
if (Buffer != NULL)
Buffer = NULL;
Buffer = new char( strlen( CopySource.Buffer ) + 1 );
strcpy_s( Buffer, strlen( CopySource.Buffer ) + 1, CopySource.Buffer );
Buffer = NULL;
MyString& operator=( const MyString& CopySource )
if (( this != &CopySource ) && ( CopySource.Buffer != NULL ))
if (Buffer != NULL)
delete[]Buffer;//錯誤提示是CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer
Buffer = NULL;//這種錯誤是由於內存操作不當造成的,可是String3之前的使用中內存分配沒少分配
} //delete[]Buffer也還沒執行
Buffer = new char( strlen( CopySource.Buffer ) + 1 );
strcpy_s( Buffer, strlen( CopySource.Buffer ) + 1, CopySource.Buffer );
return *this;
operator const char*( )
return Buffer;
int main()
MyString String1( " Hello " ), String2( " World " );
MyString String3( String1 );
cout << String1 << String2 << endl;
cout << String3 << endl;
String3 = String2;
cout << String3 << endl;
return 0;
錯誤已發現new char[]括號打成了()