 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> 更多編程語言 >> Delphi >> 算術編碼算法


算術編碼是把一個信源表示為實軸上0和1之間的一個區間,信源集合中的每一個元素都用來縮短這個區間。    算術編碼的過程如下: (1)       設定編碼區間的高段為h,編碼區間的長度為g,EndC為編碼字符分配的高段,StartC 為字符分配區間的低端。 (2)       根據有限的信源估算出各元素的概率。 (3)       杜宇編碼的元素A1,根據(2)估算的概率和區間,計算出該元素編碼後的新的l,和h。其公式如下:          h = StartC + g* K;          l = Endc + g* K1; 其具體程序如下:                          const  Ca = 0.2;  Ce = 0.3;       Ci = 0.2;  Co = 0.2;       Cu = 0.1; var   Form1: TForm1;    s: string;    StartC, EndC: Extended; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure ConvertTo(s: string; var StartC, EndC: Extended);{將字符串變為數值} var n, i: integer;     c: char;     g: Extended; begin     StartC := 0;     EndC := 1;     n := Strlen(Pchar(s));     for i := 1 to n do     begin        c := s[i];        g := EndC - StartC;        case C of        'a':          begin             EndC :=StartC  + g * Ca;             StartC := StartC + g * 0;          end;        'e':           begin             EndC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce);             StartC := StartC + g * Ca;          end;        'i':           begin             EndC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce + Ci);             StartC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce);          end;        'o':           begin             EndC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce + Ci + Co);             StartC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce + Ci);          end;        'u':           begin             EndC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce + Ci + Co + Cu);             StartC := StartC + g * (Ca + Ce + Ci + Co);          end;        else            begin             Showmessage(' 輸入的字符串有誤 ');             exit;            end;       end;     end; end; procedure NemuricalToStr(var s: String; var StartC, EndC: Extended); {將數值轉換為字符串} const eps = -1e-5; begin   if StartC-0.2 < -eps  then     if (EndC- 0.2<= -eps) and (EndC > StartC) then     begin        StartC := StartC / 0.2;        EndC := EndC / 0.2;        s := s + 'a';        if (StartC <>0) or (EndC <> 1) then           NemuricaltoStr(s,StartC,EndC);    end;   if (StartC- 0.2 >= eps) and (StartC-0.5 < -eps) then     if (EndC-0.5<= -eps) and (EndC>StartC) then     begin        StartC := StartC - 0.2;        EndC := EndC - 0.2;        StartC := StartC / 0.3;        EndC := EndC / 0.3;        s := s + 'e';        if (StartC <>0) or (EndC <> 1) then           NemuricaltoStr(s,StartC,EndC);   end ;   if (StartC- 0.5>= eps) and (StartC- 0.7< -eps) then     if (EndC-0.7<= -eps) and (EndC>StartC) then     begin        StartC := StartC - 0.5;        EndC := EndC - 0.5;        StartC := StartC / 0.2;        EndC := EndC / 0.2;        s := s + 'i';        if (StartC <>0) or (EndC <> 1) then           NemuricaltoStr(s,StartC,EndC);   end ;   if (StartC-0.7 >= eps) and (StartC-0.9 < -eps) then     if (EndC-0.9<=-eps) and (EndC>StartC) then     begin        StartC := StartC - 0.7;        EndC := EndC - 0.7;        StartC := StartC / 0.2;        EndC := EndC / 0.2;        s := s + 'o';        if (StartC <>0) or (EndC <> 1) then           NemuricaltoStr(s,StartC,EndC);   end ;   if (StartC -0.9>=eps) and (StartC-1 < -eps) then     if (EndC-1<= -eps) and (EndC>StartC) then     begin        StartC := StartC - 0.9;        EndC := EndC - 0.9;        StartC := StartC / 0.1;        EndC := EndC / 0.1;        s := s + 'u';        if (StartC <>0) or (EndC <> 1) then           NemuricaltoStr(s,StartC,EndC);     end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin    s := Edit1.Text;    ConvertTo(s,StartC,EndC);    Edit2.Text := FloattoStr(StartC);    Edit3.Text := FloattoStr(EndC); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin     s := '';     StartC := StrToFloat(Edit2.Text);     EndC := StrtoFloat(Edit3.Text);     NemuricalToStr(s,StartC,Endc);     Edit1.Text := s; end;
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