//這是定義在System 單元關於數據類型的一個結構:
TVarRec = record
case Byte of
vtInteger: (VInteger: Integer; VType: Byte);
vtBoolean: (VBoolean: Boolean);
vtChar: (VChar: Char);
vtExtended: (VExtended: PExtended);
vtString: (VString: PShortString);
vtPointer: (VPointer: Pointer);
vtPChar: (VPChar: PChar);
vtObject: (VObject: TObject);
vtClass: (VClass: TClass);
vtWideChar: (VWideChar: WideChar);
vtPWideChar: (VPWideChar: PWideChar);
vtAnsiString: (VAnsiString: Pointer);
vtCurrency: (VCurrency: PCurrency);
vtVariant: (VVariant: PVariant);
vtInterface: (VInterface: Pointer);
vtWideString: (VWideString: Pointer);
vtInt64: (VInt64: PInt64);
(1)Object Pascal has an “open array” construct that permits an array of unspecified size to be passed to a function.
(2)an Object Pascal function that has an open array parameter can be called by explicitly passing both the pointer to the first element of an array and the value of the last index (number of array elements, minus one).
//Object Pascal聲明
function Mean(Data: array of Double): Extended;
Result := Mean([3.1, 4.4, 5.6]);
Extended __fastcall Mean( const double * Data, const int Data_Size);
double d[] = { 3.1, 4.4, 5.6 } ;
return Mean(d, 2) ;
看了官方文檔還是一頭霧水,根本就沒解釋什麼是開放數組。好像開放數組與動態數組是一樣的嘛!在Delphi中,數組類型有靜態數組(array[0..1024] of integer)、動態數組(array of integer)兩類。關於動態數組,官方文檔給出的解釋是:
(3)Dynamic arrays do not have a fixed size or length. Instead, memory for a dynamic array is reallocated when you assign a value to the array or pass it to the SetLength procedure.
var MyFlexibleArray: array of Real;
SetLength(MyFlexibleArray, 20);
(4)Note: In some function and procedure declarations, array parameters are represented as array of baseType, without any index types specified.
注意:在一些函數或過程的聲明中,數組參數被描述成沒有索引類型標識符的“array of baseType”形式
function CheckStrings(A: array of string): Boolean;
(5)This indicates that the function operates on all arrays of the specified base type, regardless of their size, how they are indexed, or whether they are allocated statically or dynamically.
網上文章在介紹動態數組時都是用“array of Type”進行定義;而在討論開放數組時又說“array of Type”定義的是開放數組,通過“Type TArr=array of Type;var a:TArr;”定義的才是動態數組。經過大量搜索閱讀,我的理解是:在函數聲明中使用“array of Type”定義形參的是開放數組;而在其他位置使用“array of Type”定義數組變量的是動態數組。
function Mean(PData:Pointer; High: Integer): Extended;
注2:Both static and dynamic arrays may be passed to subroutines as parameters. If the array parameter definition has no range (ie, a dynamic array type), then you must, paradoxically pass a static array as a parameter. Such an array is referred to as an Open array. Delphi passes the length as a hidden parameter to the subroutine.(詳情請參考http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/RTL.asp?Name=Array )
注3:An open array parameter is actually acombination of two parameters, a pointer, which contains the address of the start of the array, and an integer, which contains the High value, adjusted for a zero base.(詳情請參考http://rvelthuis.de/articles/articles-openarr.html的Internals一節)