uses Winapi.msxml, System.DateUtils; //實時獲取網絡時間的函數, 得到的是格林威治時間; 默認從 sohu 服務器獲取, 因為它最快, 平均只需 15 毫秒function GetNetTime(aUrl: WideString = ''): string; begin with CoXMLHTTP.Create do beginopen('Post', aUrl, False, EmptyParam, EmptyParam); send(EmptyParam); Result := getResponseHeader('Date'); end; end; //格林威治時間(字符串)轉換到北京時間function GMT2BjDateTime(const GMT: string): TDateTime; var A: TArray<string>; begin A := GMT.Split([',', ' '], ExcludeEmpty); //XE4 支持 with TStringList.Create dobeginCommaText := 'Jan=1,Feb=2,Mar=3,Apr=4,May=5,Jun=6,Jul=7,Aug=8,Sep=9,Oct=10,Nov=11,Dec=12'; A[2] := Values[A[2]]; Free; end; Result := StrToDateTime(Format('%s/%s/%s %s', [A[3], A[2], A[1], A[4]]), FormatSettings.Create(2052)); Result := Result + 8/24; //換算成北京時間end; //測試procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var strGMT: string; bjDateTime: TDateTime; begin strGMT := GetNetTime(); bjDateTime := GMT2BjDateTime(strGMT); ShowMessageFmt('%s'#13#10'%s', [strGMT, DateTimeToStr(bjDateTime)]); end;
在真正實用中, 我把 GMT2BjDateTime 函數換成了:
function GMT2BjDateTime(const GMT: string): TDateTime; var A: TArray<string>; Y,M,D,H,N,S: Word; begin A := GMT.Split([',', ' ', ':'], ExcludeEmpty); with TStringList.Create dobeginCommaText := 'Jan=1,Feb=2,Mar=3,Apr=4,May=5,Jun=6,Jul=7,Aug=8,Sep=9,Oct=10,Nov=11,Dec=12'; A[2] := Values[A[2]]; Free; end; Y := StrToIntDef(A[3], YearOf(Now)); M := StrToIntDef(A[2], MonthOf(Now)); D := StrToIntDef(A[1], DayOf(Now)); H := StrToIntDef(A[4], HourOf(Now)); N := StrToIntDef(A[5], MinuteOf(Now)); S := StrToIntDef(A[6], SecondOf(Now)); Result := EncodeDateTime(Y, M , D, H, N, S, 0); Result := Result + 8/24; //換算成北京時間end;