 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> 更多編程語言 >> Delphi >> Delphi刪除或移動正在使用的文件




001 unit Unit1; 002 interface 003 uses 004   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 005   StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; 006 const 007    FILE_DELETE=1; 008    FILE_RENAME=2; 009 type 010   TForm1 = class(TForm) 011     Button1: TButton; 012     Label1: TLabel; 013     Label2: TLabel; 014     RadioGroup1: TRadioGroup; 015     Edit1: TEdit; 016     Edit2: TEdit; 017     Button2: TButton; 018     Button3: TButton; 019     OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; 020     procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); 021     procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); 022     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 023     procedure Edit2Change(Sender: TObject); 024     procedure RadioGroup1Click(Sender: TObject); 025   private 026     { Private declarations } 027   public 028     { Public declarations } 029   end; 030 var 031   Form1: TForm1; 032 implementation 033 {$R *.DFM} 034 function DeleteRenameFileAfterBoot(lpFileNameToSrc,lpFileNameToDes: PChar;flag:Uint): Boolean; 035 var 036   WindowsDirs: array [0..MAX_PATH + 1] of Char; 037   lpDirSrc,lpDirDes: array [0..MAX_PATH + 1] of Char; 038   VerPlatForm: TOSVersionInfoA; 039   StrLstDelte: TStrings; 040   filename,s  :String; 041   i:integer; 042 begin 043   Result := FALSE; 044   ZeroMemory(@VerPlatForm, SizeOf(VerPlatForm)); 045   VerPlatForm.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(VerPlatForm); 046   GetVersionEx(VerPlatForm); 047   if VerPlatForm.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s then 048   begin 049      SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); 050      Exit; 051   end 052   else if VerPlatForm.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then 053   begin 054      if flag=FILE_DELETE then 055         Result := MoveFileEx(PChar(lpFileNameToSrc), nil, 056           MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING + MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT) 057      else if (flag=FILE_RENAME) then 058         Result := MoveFileEx(lpFileNameToSrc, lpFileNameToDes, 059           MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING + MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT); 060   end 061   else begin 062      StrLstDelte := TStringList.Create; 063      GetWindowsDirectory(WindowsDirs, MAX_PATH + 1); 064      filename:=WindowsDirs; 065      if filename[length(filename)]<>'\' then filename:=filename+'\'; 066      filename:=filename+'wininit.ini'; 067      if FileExists(filename) then 068         StrLstDelte.LoadFromFile(filename); 069      if StrLstDelte.IndexOf('[rename]') = -1 then 070         StrLstDelte.Add('[rename]'); 071      GetShortPathName(lpFileNameToSrc, lpDirSrc, MAX_PATH + 1); 072      if fileexists(lpFileNameToDes) then 073         GetShortPathName(lpFileNameToDes, lpDirDes, MAX_PATH + 1) 074      else begin 075         s:=extractfilename(lpFileNameToDes); 076         i:=pos('.',s); 077         if (i=0) then 078         begin 079            if length(s)>8 then raise exception.create('不是有效的短文件名(8+3格式)!'); 080         end 081         else begin 082            if (i-1>8)or(length(s)-i>3) then raise exception.create('不是有效的短文件名(8+3格式)!'); 083         end; 084         strcopy(lpDirDes,lpFileNameToDes); 085      end; 086      if (flag=FILE_DELETE) then {刪除} 087         StrLstDelte.Insert(StrLstDelte.IndexOf('[rename]') + 1, 'NUL='+string(lpDirSrc)) 088      else if (flag=FILE_RENAME) then {改名} 089         StrLstDelte.Insert(StrLstDelte.IndexOf('[rename]') + 1, string(lpDirDes)+'='+string(lpDirSrc)); 090   091      StrLstDelte.SaveToFile(filename); 092      Result := TRUE; 093      StrLstDelte.Free; 094   end; 095 end; 096 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); 097 begin 098    if OpenDialog1.Execute then 099       edit1.text:=OpenDialog1.FileName; 100 end; 101   102 procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); 103 begin 104    if OpenDialog1.Execute then 105       edit2.text:=OpenDialog1.FileName; 106 end; 107 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 108 var 109    i:uint; 110 begin 111    if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex=0 then i:=FILE_DELETE 112    else i:=FILE_RENAME; 113    if edit1.text='' then raise exception.create('源文件為空!'); 114    if (i=FILE_RENAME)and(edit2.text='') then raise exception.create('目標文件為空!'); 115    if not DeleteRenameFileAfterBoot(pchar(edit1.text),pchar(edit2.text),i) then 116       showmessage('出錯了') 117    else showmessage('操作完成'); 118 end; 119   120 procedure TForm1.Edit2Change(Sender: TObject); 121 var 122   VerPlatForm: TOSVersionInfoA; 123   buf: array [0..MAX_PATH + 1] of Char; 124 begin 125   if not fileexists(edit2.text) then exit; 126   ZeroMemory(@VerPlatForm, SizeOf(VerPlatForm)); 127   VerPlatForm.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(VerPlatForm); 128   GetVersionEx(VerPlatForm); 129   if VerPlatForm.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_Windows then 130   begin 131      GetShortPathName(pchar(edit2.text), buf, MAX_PATH + 1); 132      edit2.text:=buf; 133   end; 134 end; 135 procedure TForm1.RadioGroup1Click(Sender: TObject); 136 begin 137    edit2.Enabled:=RadioGroup1.ItemIndex=1; 138    button2.Enabled:=RadioGroup1.ItemIndex=1; 139 end; 140 end.


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