 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> 更多編程語言 >> Delphi >> Delphi帶TAB切換的文件分割、合並程序代碼



Division 文件分割/合並控件演示,作者:杜偉(vber) 。窗體使用了TAB選項卡的布局,這也是亮點之一,將分割文件與合並文件整合到了一起,操作起來挺方便。窗體下邊會顯示進度條,還可以生成合並或分割時的批處理文件,方便以後用。




001 unit Division_Unit; 002 interface 003 uses 004   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 005   ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Division, Buttons, SHLOBJ; 006 type 007   TfrmDivision = class(TForm) 008     PageControl1: TPageControl; 009     TabSheet1: TTabSheet; 010     TabSheet2: TTabSheet; 011     Label1: TLabel; 012     Edit1: TEdit; 013     Button1: TButton; 014     Label2: TLabel; 015     Edit2: TEdit; 016     Button2: TButton; 017     Label3: TLabel; 018     Edit3: TEdit; 019     CheckBox1: TCheckBox; 020     Label4: TLabel; 021     Label5: TLabel; 022     ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; 023     OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; 024     SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; 025     Button3: TButton; 026     Division1: TDivision; 027     Button4: TButton; 028     GroupBox1: TGroupBox; 029     RadioButton1: TRadioButton; 030     Edit4: TEdit; 031     SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; 032     RadioButton2: TRadioButton; 033     SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton; 034     SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton; 035     ProgressBar2: TProgressBar; 036     Label6: TLabel; 037     ListBox1: TListBox; 038     TabSheet3: TTabSheet; 039     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 040     procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); 041     procedure Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); 042     procedure CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject); 043     procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); 044     procedure Division1BeginCombine(FileCount: Integer); 045     procedure Division1BeginDivision(SectionTotal: Integer); 046     procedure Division1DoingCombine(Sender: TObject); 047     procedure Division1DoingDivision(Sender: TObject); 048     procedure Division1EndCombine(Sender: TObject); 049     procedure Division1EndDivision(Sender: TObject); 050     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); 051     procedure SpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject); 052     procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); 053     procedure RadioButton1Click(Sender: TObject); 054     procedure RadioButton2Click(Sender: TObject); 055     procedure SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); 056     procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); 057     procedure PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); 058   private 059     { Private declarations } 060   public 061     { Public declarations } 062   end; 063 var 064   frmDivision: TfrmDivision; 065 implementation 066 {$R *.DFM} 067 // 浏覽文件夾 068 function SelectDirectory(var InitPath : String;szTitle: String) : Boolean; 069 var BROWSEINFO:TBROWSEINFO; 070     vPath : PItemIDList; 071     Path : PChar; 072 begin 073    BROWSEINFO.hwndOwner := Application.Handle; 074    BROWSEINFO.lpfn := nil; 075    BROWSEINFO.lpszTitle := PChar(szTitle); 076    BROWSEINFO.pidlRoot := nil; 077    BROWSEINFO.pszDisplayName := nil; 078    BROWSEINFO.lParam := BFFM_INITIALIZED; 079    BROWSEINFO.ulFlags := BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; 080    vPath := SHBrowseForFolder(BROWSEINFO); 081    Result := False; 082    if vPath <> nil then begin 083       GetMem(Path, 255); 084       SHGetPathFromIDList(vPath, Path); 085       InitPath := StrPas(Path); 086       FreeMem(Path); 087       Result := True; 088    end; 089 end; 090 procedure TfrmDivision.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 091 begin 092   with OpenDialog1 do 093     begin 094       if Execute then 095         Edit1.Text := FileName; 096     end; 097 end; 098 procedure TfrmDivision.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); 099 begin 100   with SaveDialog1 do 101     begin 102       if Execute then 103         begin 104           Edit2.Text := ChangeFileExt(FileName, ExtractFileExt(Edit1.Text)); 105         end; 106     end; 107 end; 108 procedure TfrmDivision.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject); 109 begin 110   if Edit1.Text <> '' then 111     Edit2.Text := Edit1.Text; 112 end; 113 procedure TfrmDivision.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject); 114 begin 115   if CheckBox1.Checked then Division1.CreateType := ctBat 116   else Division1.CreateType := ctNone; 117 end; 118 procedure TfrmDivision.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); 119 begin 120   Button3.Enabled := False; 121   Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; 122   // 開始分割 123   Division1.DivisionSize := StrToInt(Edit3.Text); 124   Division1.FileName := Edit1.Text; 125   Division1.SavePathName := Edit2.Text; 126   Division1.Execute; 127 end; 128 procedure TfrmDivision.Division1BeginCombine(FileCount: Integer); 129 begin 130   ProgressBar2.Max := FileCount; 131 end; 132 procedure TfrmDivision.Division1BeginDivision(SectionTotal: Integer); 133 begin 134   ProgressBar1.Max := SectionTotal; 135 end; 136 procedure TfrmDivision.Division1DoingCombine(Sender: TObject); 137 begin 138   ProgressBar2.StepIt; 139 end; 140 procedure TfrmDivision.Division1DoingDivision(Sender: TObject); 141 begin 142   ProgressBar1.StepIt; 143 end; 144 procedure TfrmDivision.Division1EndCombine(Sender: TObject); 145 begin 146   Button4.Enabled := True; 147   Screen.Cursor := crDefault; 148   ProgressBar2.Position := 0; 149   Application.MessageBox('合並完成!''信息', MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION); 150 end; 151 procedure TfrmDivision.Division1EndDivision(Sender: TObject); 152 begin 153   Button3.Enabled := True; 154   Screen.Cursor := crDefault; 155   ProgressBar1.Position := 0; 156   Application.MessageBox('分割完成!''信息', MB_OK + MB_ICONINFORMATION); 157 end; 158 procedure TfrmDivision.FormShow(Sender: TObject); 159 begin 160   ProgressBar1.Step := 1; 161   ProgressBar2.Step := 1 162 end; 163 procedure TfrmDivision.SpeedButton3Click(Sender: TObject); 164 begin 165   ListBox1.Clear; 166 end; 167 procedure TfrmDivision.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); 168 var 169   sPath: String; 170 begin 171   if SelectDirectory(sPath, '浏覽文件夾:'then 172     Edit4.Text := sPath; 173 end; 174 procedure TfrmDivision.RadioButton1Click(Sender: TObject); 175 begin 176   if RadioButton1.Checked then 177     begin 178       Edit4.Enabled := True; 179       SpeedButton1.Enabled := True; 180       SpeedButton2.Enabled := False; 181       SpeedButton3.Enabled := False; 182       ListBox1.Enabled := False; 183     end 184   else 185     begin 186       SpeedButton2.Enabled := True; 187       SpeedButton3.Enabled := True; 188       ListBox1.Enabled := True;    189       Edit4.Enabled := False; 190       SpeedButton1.Enabled := False; 191     end; 192 end; 193 procedure TfrmDivision.RadioButton2Click(Sender: TObject); 194 begin 195   if RadioButton2.Checked then 196     begin 197       Edit4.Enabled := False; 198       SpeedButton1.Enabled := False; 199       SpeedButton2.Enabled := True; 200       SpeedButton3.Enabled := True; 201       ListBox1.Enabled := True; 202     end 203   else 204     begin 205       SpeedButton2.Enabled := False; 206       SpeedButton3.Enabled := False; 207       ListBox1.Enabled := False;    208       Edit4.Enabled := True; 209       SpeedButton1.Enabled := True; 210     end; 211 end; 212 procedure TfrmDivision.SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); 213 var i: Integer; 214 begin 215   with OpenDialog1 do 216     begin 217       Options := [ofAllowMultiSelect]; 218       if Execute then 219         begin 220           ListBox1.Clear; 221           for i:=0 to Files.Count-1 do 222             ListBox1.Items.Add(Files.Strings[i]); 223         end; 224     end; 225 end; 226 procedure TfrmDivision.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); 227 begin 228   // 開始合並 229   Button4.Enabled := False; 230   Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; 231   if RadioButton1.Checked then 232     begin 233       Division1.WorkType := ttCombine; 234       Division1.CombineSource := csPath; 235       Division1.CombinePath := Edit4.Text; 236       Division1.Execute; 237     end 238   else if RadioButton2.Checked then 239     begin 240       Division1.WorkType := ttCombine; 241       Division1.CombineSource := csFiles; 242       Division1.CombineFileList.Assign(ListBox1.Items); 243       Division1.Execute; 244     end; 245 end; 246 procedure TfrmDivision.PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); 247 begin 248   if PageControl1.ActivePageIndex = 2 then 249     begin 250       Division1.About; 251       PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0; 252     end; 253 end; 254 end.


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