初學python,現在要讀一個二進制文件,查找doc只發現 file提供了一個read和write函數,而且讀寫的都是字符串,如果只是讀寫char等一個字節的還行,要想讀寫如int,double等多字節數 據就不方便了。在網上查到一篇貼子,使用struct模塊裡面的pack和unpack函數進行讀寫。下面就自己寫代碼驗證一下。
1 2 3 4 >>> from struct import * >>> file = open(r"c:/debug.txt", "wb") >>> file.write(pack("idh", 12345, 67.89, 15)) >>> file.close()接著再將其讀進來
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>> file = open(r"c:/debug.txt", "rb") >>> (a,b,c) = unpack("idh",file.read(8+8+2)) >>> a,b,c (12345, 67.890000000000001, 15) >>> print a,b,c 12345 67.89 15 >>> file.close()在操作過程中需要注意數據的size
注意 wb,rb中的b字,一定不可以少
1 2 3 4 myfile=open('c:t','rb') s=myfile.read(1) byte=ord(s) #將一個字節 讀成一個數 print hex(byte) #轉換成16進制的字符串方法2
1 2 3 4 import struct myfile=open('c:t','rb').read(1) print struct.unpack('c',myfile) print struct.unpack('b',myfile)寫入
To open a file for binary writing is easy, it is the same way you do for reading, just change the mode into “wb”.
file = open("test.bin","wb")
But, how to write the binary byte into the file?
You may write it straight away with hex code like this:
file.write("x5Fx9Dx3E") file.close()
Now, check it out with hexedit,
hexedit test.bin
You will see this:
00000000 5F 9D 3E _.> 00000020 00000040
Now, open the file to append more bytes:
file = open("test.bin","ab")
What if I want to store by bin value into a stream and write it one short?
s ="x45xF3" s = s + "%c%c" % (0x45,0xF3) file.write(s) file.close()
Any convenient ways if I can obtained a hex string, and want to convert it back to binary format?
Yes, you just need to import binascii
import binascii hs="5B7F888489FEDA" hb=binascii.a2b_hex(hs) file.write(hb) file.close()