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Application of bubbling method in program thought in advanced scl programming in python and 1200PLC

冒泡排序:It is an algorithm in the field of computer science.headerThe name of the algorithm comes from the fact that the smaller elements are slowly exchanged when the algorithm is executed“浮”到數列的頂端(升序或降序排列),就如同碳酸飲料中二氧化碳的氣泡最終會上浮到頂端一樣,所以叫做“冒泡排序”.header----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、在python中排序1、在pythonto sort the data size in the list2、排序後的結果


1、在1200PLC中,Sort an array of indeterminate length,For variable-length array data types can only be built inInOut引腳上

2、Create a new one of any numberArrayA variable of type integer data type,運行後的結果


1、The two ideas are the same.Both exchange positions by cyclic comparison,Push data features to the end,It can also be the first.

2、在具體實現上,python用While循環,用的len()method to get the number of loop rounds and the number of comparisons;scl用FOR循環,用LOWER_BOUND()和UPPER_BOUND()to determine the lower and upper bounds of the comparison array,Then select the first one in the outer loop and compare them one by one in the inner loop.

四、擴展:sclUse existing functions to find the maximum and minimum values ​​in an array

1、對定長ArrayFind the maximum and minimum values,可以直接用FC功能塊


3、改進,to indefinite lengthArrayFind the maximum and minimum values



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