Django framework web development practice: Django view and URL configuration and request methods (2)
Django view and URL configuration
I. MTV mode
1. Overview
Django's MTV mode is essentially the same as MVC, and it is also to maintain a loosely coupled relationship between components, but the definition is slightly different. Django's MTV is the value:
**M stands for Model: **Responsible for relational mapping (ORM) between business objects and databases.
**T stands for Template: **Responsible for how the page is displayed to the user (html).
V stands for View: responsible for business logic and calling Model and Template when appropriate.
The View component is provided in Django to act as a C-controller in MVC.
2. The main responsibilities of the view
Receive request
Scheduling Model, processing business logic
Response request/forward Template (display data related logic)
Second, the basic development process
1. Create an App and define functions in the view
In the of each App, define a hello function