字典名 = {
test = {
#例2:testThe keys and values in are unchanged,We get the relevant keys and values from the dictionary,Store this value in new_points中
#Then proceed as follows,需要將new_pointsThe integer type is converted to a string
new_points = test['points']
print("You just earned " + str(new_points) + "points !")
#例3、Add a new key-value pair to the dictionary,鍵為 x_position,值為0;鍵為 y_position,值為25
test = {
'color':'pink','points': 7 }
test['x_position'] = 0 #Add a new key-value pair to the dictionary,鍵為 x_position,值為0
test['y_position'] = 25 #Add a new key-value pair to the dictionary,鍵為 y_position,值為25
#例4:Create empty dictionary and add values separately
test1 = {
#Branches add new key-value pairs
test1['color'] = 'blue'
test1['points'] = 5
#例5:Change the content of the key pair value in the dictionary and print it
test2 = {
print('The color is ' + test2['color'] + '.')
test2['color'] = 'yellow'
print("The test2 new color is " + test2['color'] + '.')
#例6:用if-elifto judge the value,Then replace the value
test3 = {
print('Original x-position:' + str(test3['x_position']) )
if test3['speed'] == 'slow':
x_increment = 1
elif test3['speed'] = 'medium':
x_increment = 2
# test3 速度過快
x_increment = 3
test3['x_position'] = test3['x_position'] + x_increment
print('New x-position:' + str(test3['x_position']))
del test4['points'] #delStatements are completely removed
#例8:Use multiple lines to define dictionaries,Press Enter after entering the opening curly brace,縮進,指定鍵值對
test5 = {
print('The user is:' + test5['name'].title() + '.') #此處title()是將test5Exhibit in title form
#例9:用for循環遍歷字典,聲明2variables are used to store keys and values;接下來的for循環中,pythonStore each key value in key,value2個變量中
test6 = {
#用for循環遍歷字典,聲明2variables are used to store keys and values,
#接下來的for循環中,pythonStore each key value in key,value2個變量中
for k,v in test6.items():
print("\nKey:" + k)
print("Value:" + v)
#例10:用for循環遍歷字典,聲明2variables are used to store keys and values,Store the key in a variablename中,Values are stored in variableslanguages中
favorite_languages = {
#用for循環遍歷字典,聲明2variables are used to store keys and values,
#Store the key in a variablename中,Values are stored in variableslanguages中
for name,language in favorite_languages.items():
print(name.title() + "'s favorite language is " +
language.title() + ".")
#例11:使用方法key()提取字典中所有的鍵,and store the key to a variablename中
favorite_languages = {
#使用方法key()提取字典中所有的鍵,and store the key to a variablename中
for name in favorite_languages.key():
#例12:if 測試,Determine key-value pairs,If the name is in the listfriends中,就打印一句問候語
favorite_languages = {
friends = ['phil','sarah']
for name in favorite_language.keys():
if name in friends:
#if 測試,If the name is in the listfriends中,就打印一句問候語
print('Hi' + name.title() + ', I see your favorite language is' + favorite_languages[name].title() + '!')
#例13:Judge the following dictionarykey中是否包含 erin,Print if not present’Erin,Please take our poll !’
favorite_languages = {
if 'erin' not in favorite_languages.keys():
print('Erin,Please take our poll !')
#例14:使用函數sorted對列表臨時排序.讓python列出所有鍵,Sort before traversing
favorite_languages = {
#使用函數sorted對列表臨時排序.讓python列出所有鍵,Sort before traversing
for name in sorted(favorite_languages.keys()):
print(name.title() + ', thank you for taking the poll .')
#例15:Note in the code above set 用集合setDuplicates can be eliminatedpython,此處用values()method to extract the value of the dictionary
favorite_languages = {
print('The follwing language have been memtioned :')
for language in set favorite_languages.values():
#Note in the code above set 用集合setDuplicates can be eliminatedpython
#此處用values()method to extract the value of the dictionary
#例16:將3dictionary into the listtests中,然後使用for循環遍歷列表,Print out the corresponding key-value pair
test_1 = {
test_2 = {
test_3 = {
#將3dictionary into the listtests中
tests = [test_1,test_2,test_3]
for test in tests:
#Create one for storagetest的空列表
#使用函數 range()生成30個test
#Shows how many are createdtest
tests = []
#使用函數 range()生成30個test
for test_number in range(30):
new_test = {
for test in tests[:5]:
#Shows how many are createdtest
print('Total number of tests:' + str(len(aliens)))
#Create one for storagetest的空列表
tests = []
for test_number in range(0,30):
new_test = {
#for循環,指定索引0-3,也就是元素0 1 2
for test in tests[0:3]:
#使用if進行測試,Check if key equalsred,如果通過,執行ifTest the indented code behind
if test['color'] == 'red':
test['color'] = 'yellow'
test['speed'] = 'medium'
test['points'] = 10
for test in tests[:5]:
#Stores information about all pizza orders
pizza = {
'toppings':['mushrooms','extra cheese'], #Here the list is nested in a dictionary
print('You ordered a ' + pizza['crust'] + '-crust pizza' +
'with the following toppings:')
for topping in pizza['toppings']:
print('\t' + topping)
#例20:聲明一個favorite_language字典,然後使用name,language Get the key-value pairs of the dictionary separately in the loop,And re-acquire a new string through character splicing,打印出來
favorite_language = {
for name,language in favorite_languages.items():
print('\n'+ name.title() + "'s favorite languages are:")
for language in languages:
print('\t' + language.title())
#例21:聲明一個users字典,然後使用username,user_info Get the key-value pairs of the dictionary separately in the loop,And re-acquire a new string through character splicing,打印出來
users = {
for username,user_info in users.items():
print("\nUsername:" + username)
full_name = user_info['first'] + " " + user_info['last']
location= user_info['location']
print("\tFull name:" + full_name.title())
print("\tLocation:" + location.title())